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The flowers where beautiful on his red blood. They where a beautiful shade of emerald green. They remind Harry of the boy in which he was in love with... This one sided love will be the death of him. He wipes his bloody mouth with the back of his hand. He cough again more flowers and blood coming out. He was sitting on the floor of the bath room. He felt the book mixing with his salty tears. He slowly stands up he looks at himself in the cracked mirror. He had blood on the lower part of his pale face. He had become paler the last few months. He could see the dark purple bags under his eyes that Never go away now. He got lost in thought

"Potter?!" Harry turns around fast. He sees Draco stand-in there looking shocked as Harry couches again. Petals dance as they hit the flower soaked in Harry blood. Draco walks toward the boy in tears thinking about how much blood there is.

"How long?!" He says waiting for Harry to respond.

"A few days after Sirus died" He says trying to whip of the blood of his face smearing it horriblely.  Draco looks afraid.

"How are you alive? People usually don't last this long with it." Harry looks down "who is it Harry?" Draco says looking at the pale boy covered on blood and flowers.

Harry looks Draco straight in the eye "it stou Draco it has always been you..." Harry smiles then hugs him.

I may make this a book but for now its completed! Also this is deticated to SassyKindSlytherPuff she has been super sweet to me so please go follow her if you see this. Also comment if you think i should make this a book


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