chapter two

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"Aarh" I yawn, stretching my body on the bed.
I wouldn't have woken up yet if the sun's rays had not flashed on my face. I look at the clock that hung on the wall above my bed. It was just seven o'clock and I wondered why the sun will come out so early. I pulled the cover from my body and slipped my feet into my slippers.

I walked towards the mirror to see my face. I was happy that I didn't see the signs of drool because I wasn't drunk yesterday. That usually happens to me whenever I get drunk.

I heard someone knocking on my door so I went to open it to check the person behind it and it was Esinam,  one of my mother's apprentices. She has probably come for the keys to open the shop.

"Hi Abena", She said giving me a smile that shows the dimples on both sides of her cheeks.
" I'm so jealous of that ", I secretly said to myself. And why wouldn't I be jealous. That was one of the things that attracted me more to him.

" Abena, um your mother said you should hurry up and get ready before nine o'clock so that you will be able to get there before dark". I heard her say driving me away from my thoughts.

"Um okay ", I said, nodding my head and forcing myself to smile at her.

Closing the door behind me, I quickly rushed to the bathroom. I had totally forgotten that I am leaving for my Nana's place today.
I wonder why the old woman wouldn't want to live in the city but rather stay in that sixteenth-century Village which is going to be my home in a few hours.

My mom said I have changed after I turned sixteen and that going to the village will make me realise certain things I have never known before.
All that I have become is a teenage girl who after her grand sweet sixteen wants to enjoy teenage life.
He said I am not the type of girl he want anymore. He said he wants someone like Emefa and so that what am doing and even more so that he will realise what he has lost.

A drop of tear found its way to escape from my eyes. I didn't want to think about what happened between us anymore.
Brushing everything off my mind, I started bathing humming sadly.

I didn't take long bathing and brushing my teeth. Not as usual where I will take my time to give my face a morning massage. I left the bathroom in slow and careful steps so that I will not slip on the wet floor.
My next move was to dress quickly but I was just stuck in front of my wardrobe thinking about what to wear. My eyes quickly flashed across a sleeveless lemon dress that was just to my knee level. It was given to me by my mother.

I was already done dressing up. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and was quite impressed. I didn't apply much makeup. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

Now I was ready to go downstairs for breakfast. I took a last glance at my mickey mouse clock to check the time and I was glad it was eight thirty-five. At least I was able to finish before nine. I gently turn the door handle to open the door. Closing the door behind me, I quicken my steps to join my parent for breakfast before they start calling out my name.

I could smell the aroma of the omelette my mom was still frying just three steps away from the kitchen. My mom is the best cook in the world if I must say. Her food always gets my mouth watering and just like Oliver Twist I ask for more. But as much as I eat I am still slim and weigh 35 to 40kg.

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