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Good behavior will always be rewarded, while bad will always be punished. A lesson that is taught to every child in order to behave as their parents or the society wills it. No matter where they come from, children must learn this matter of the utmost importance. How they should act, treat other people, and most importantly, how they want to be perceived in the society; which sides are they? However though, what is considered as good or bad? Who dictates those two?

Concept of good and bad has always confused young Alexander whenever he is faced by certain situations. If he is currently studying with his mentor, then he sees his maid is struggling with her task, should he leave his work and help the maid or should he ignore her and focus on his task? If he chooses the former, his mentor will scold him, telling him that he is a bad child for neglecting his work. If he chooses the latter, his maid will continue to struggle.

Both are good choices, his mother once said to him when Alexander approaches her. Alexander is not being bad by choosing one amongst other good choices because both action are backed by a good intention. By studying, Alexander is obeying the rules in the family, and by helping, Alexander is alleviating the maid's struggle; which is their family's virtue to help people. His mother tells him that no matter how good he is, he cannot help all people. No matter how good he is, not all people will perceive him as a good child. Alexander is left by his mother with a word of advice; to trust his own instinct. His mother believes that he is a good child, and whatever decision and judgement Alexander comes up with. Alexander thinks the same.


Alexander is awakened from his sleep when he hears a faint voice of his mother, seemingly talking to someone. He shifts his weight to sitting position and threw his blanket off. It is unusual for their family to be awake at this hour. The time has passed two hours from the time he was supposed to be asleep, and his mother should be at her chamber with his father. What could possibly his mother do?

Curiosity wins him over and Alexander decides to get off his bed. A tip of his foot touches the marble floor, and Alexander immediately feels a cold shiver on his body. Something is not right, he thought. Alexander slowly let down his left foot, then another, "I should wear my slippers," he muses. His little feet is slowly creeping out across the bedroom, where he stops in front of the door handle. His mother will scold him if she knows he is not asleep. However, he wants to know what happens outside. He draws his left hand out and pull the door upon him, stepping into the hallway.

Dim light of the chandeliers only lightens the entire hallway, but Alexander is never afraid of the dark. Alexander sees his mother's shadow on the end of the hallway, and without a second thought, he follows her. His mother's voice gradually increases, and it seems his mother does not notice the sound of Alexander's footsteps following her from behind. Alexander turns left and sees his mother still in an evening attire. The radiant gold from her dress does not disperse as darkness engulfs her when she enters the opened room in front of her.

The door has been closed by the time Alexander approaches the room his mother went it. He is supposed to give up and go back to bed. But, his feelings grow unnerving and tense as if he should go inside and ask what his mother is doing. The presence he feels from the door upon him looms over him, as if telling him to go to sleep. He draws his left hand onto the door handle, and immediately pulls back when he feels cold prickling his skin. "I should get my gloves," he ponders. Yet, he still stands there as if his feet are grounded in front of the room. Cold sweats start to form on his forehead and Alexander is starting to think that disobeying the house's rule is a bad idea.

Alexander's hand can feel his left hand moves on its own, grabbing the cold handle. Doubt settles in his heart, as if the door is encouraging him to give up and go back become a good child. But Alexander knows going back to his room somehow gives him the insinuation that he might never find out what is behind the door. He can feel the cold again and it is like tearing his skin apart if he keeps doing it. But, the wrong outweighs the good and he feels this the right thing to do. A good child believes what they do is right. Alexander's hand managed to tighten his hold and pull down the handle. The door opens just like that, leaving a shaking, reddened palm.

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