Stupid Humans

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Stupid queen for deciding that it is time for the fae to come out in public it is just wrong.We were living so peacefully and the humans have done nothing but destroy the earth.The queen thinks that if we come out maybe the we can help convinr the humans to stop destroying the earth but they'll never listen.Humans are stupid and care nothing about the well being of their home until it is almost completely destroyed.Things were so much better in Magix.

We were on our way to earth apparently they want to see if it is just some prank some 'hipies' as the humans say are trying to help the earth which would be a good thing.Humans are so stupid.

"Hey look how beautiful planet earth looks from here"said my brother Frankie.

If you are wondering we are the in space.We came from the Magic dimension and that is possible since our tech is way more advanced than the ancient things they have on Earth.

"Ya,if only the humans could see how beautiful the view is then maybe we wouldn't have to come out in public."I sneered.

"Oh they have,but the humans are still arrogant and although there a lot of people on earth trying to save it we just need a few more to make them actually attempt to preserve their planet."said Frankie.

"It will not work the humans are to stupid.What is the name of the place we will be arriving at called again anyway?"I asked.

"London and guess what.I heard earth has some really cute boys on it."he exclaimed excitedly.

Yes,if your wondering Frankie is gay.

"I don't care how cute they are they are still stupid"I snapped.

I heard Frankie sigh."This is going to a long 6 months."he said.

I just gave him a glare.


I know it is crappy but I really need to get things ready since school starts in two days.Why do they torture the youth like this?Don't we suffer enough.

Ahhhhhhhhhh {=°(

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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