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I cried a billion tears.

Do you remember the day you left me for a while and spent time wandering around in darkness, but when you came back you weren't yourself. It was like you left some of yourself in the dark.

That day you made me cry a billion tears.

That day.

You left me heartbroken and alone that day.

Why did I have to grow to love you?

My heart aches when your not here with me, to keep me company, and keep me safe.

Your love and support is all I ever wanted and now that I have it I don't want to let it go.

I want you to go so that I know your not suffering anymore, I want you to be happy, and I want you to know that I don't want you to continue life if you don't belong here anymore, no matter what the case is, I will always love you, and keep you close to my heart.

That was the day I wanted to tell you that stuff but I couldn't find the voice, or strength, to tell it to you.

I wanted you to stay forever and be with me until I died, but I know that's impossible now that our life together is coming to an end.

We all seen that you were in so much pain but we were to scared of all the pain of losing you to let you go, but know I understand that it's better to just let go, but that's not what I want to do ever.

I want us to remain the same forever


The girl in the pink fluffy dress, with short dark brown hair.

I love you, never forget that.

So yea um this is sad, I a as crying when I wrote this and so if there's any typos then it was from me being sad that day and I just copied it to here I didn't bother to edit it much so yea...well I wrote it for my grandpa but I don't th in no I'll ever read it to him.  If anyone wants to know why it ends with the signature 'the girl in the pink fluffy dress, with dark brown hair.' just comment asking or pm me and I'll gladly tell, and don't forget to vote, comment, share it whatever it is that you do so um peace out my little rabbits.

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