{{Chapter 1}}

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It was a beautiful day in the town called Boiling isles. Flowers were blooming, birds were chirping a lovely tune, and the civilians were happy as ever.

And in that town lies a school for all high schoolers within the area, Hexide Academy, prioritizing mostly students from high school years and college departments.

Aside from several students gathered around the front of the campus, there were some students who seemed different from the rest.

3 teens were seen running around the front field, each was holding long broken branches from the sides of the trees.

The tip of all 3 branches wasn't that sharp. It may not harm other people, but the 3 teens holding it sure did get them a lot of attention.

The short brown haired girl victoriously laughed as soon as she poked her friend with her so-called "magic wand"

Her friend tumbled down the grass, flipping around to face her friend who was now pointing the stick staff a few inches away from her face.

She placed a hand on her head, dramatically acting her sign of defeat.

"Ha! You're out, Willow!" The teen cheerfully shouted, swinging her staff around to make a fearsome pose.

The teen named willow faked a cough. "You may have won, Luzura, or should I call, Luz the small bean."

"Wait, what?" Luz tilted her head, showing slight confusion.

"Oh come on Willow we already discussed the nickname thing."

Willow smirked and got up to her knees." It doesn't matter, small bean! But my death will not be in vain, because-" she paused while flicking a finger to Luz's side.

And there they saw a figure charging at them, with the speed of lightning, Luz never had the time to react to who's behind her.

"Because her partner is here! Leave her be, human!" A male toned voice yelled, sounding confident.

Luz turned around after she heard the calling of a familiar voice. But instead of running away to dodge the incoming attack, she quickly ducked down and swiped her feet across the grass.

With that single move, she was able to counter the boy's sneak attack by making him fall in the ground, causing him to drop his handmade staff.

The brown-haired teen smirked, looking down at the boy. "You thought I can't counter that quick attack, Gus?"

The boy named 'Gus' rolled his eyes. "Every single time, I thought I got you this time."

Luz chuckled and stand back up, offering both her friends a hand to help them get back up to their feet.

"Hey, what can I say, I have really fast reflexes." Luz shrugged, doing her usual cocky face.

Willow laughed and placed a hand around Gus. "Sure you do, but don't you think we should do our roleplaying elsewhere? You know, somewhere private and-"

Before the dark blue-haired 17 years old could even add more words to her sentence, she and her friends heard familiar voices chattering in the distance.

What they heard from the team walking behind them was the continuous jokes, teases, and rumors about Luz and her group.

But all the 3 can do was stay silent, holding in their increasing anger as they waited for the girls to walk away.

"Oh look," She muttered, crossing her arms to her chest. "It's our school's beloved football team, the Banshees," Willow added with a sarcastic tone.

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