5 - moving

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The next few months flew by. So fast that Madeline could hardly recall many memories from them at all. All she knew is that those were the few months of total and utter bliss she really had at Hogwarts. But when she received one of her only letters from home, Maddie struggled not to break down on the spot. Her uncle had died. Her father had written that it was because of The Troubles back home in Ireland. 'Killed in conflict', he had said. He had also stated that he wanted her home immediately, so she was being pulled out of school. She hadn't even been at Hogwarts for a full year. Three quarters at most. But still, this place felt like her home.


"You'll look after him, won't you? Promise?" She sniffled and glanced down at her cat. Fred and George had said that they would take care of him while she was gone, no matter how long that was for.

She hugged them both tightly and held her trunk in one hand. Eventually, she just set it down by her feet and hugged all of her friends goodbye. Every single Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor she'd befriended was tightly hugged, but Alicia Spinnett, Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, and especially Fred and George, got extra long hugs. As she hugged all of them at one go, she cried silently. All she knew was being friends with these five, and now she had to leave that behind and go and start a new life at a new school, full of new people.
"Write to me, won't you?"

"Every week," Fred reassured her,
"Maybe more if you're lucky." George finished the sentence, then smiled weakly and passed her a bag of stuff from the five of them. Angelina had gotten her some Droobles best blowing gum, Alicia some liquorice wands. Lee had gotten her exploding bon bons, George gifted her some Bertie Bott's every flavour beans, and Fred had given her some saltwater taffy, which tasted like normal taffy, just made you incredibly thirsty. She knew the boys would attempt to prank her one last time she left by giving her some sweets that she would probably.. not like so much. Also in that bag was a photo album filled with pictures of her and every single one of her friends. She wiped away her tears and thanked them all, not being able to say much since her parents were already ushering her away.

Her uncle was on her father's side, and the whole family - even her mother's side - was from Ireland, so that's where the family was moving to. She'd begged her parents to let her stay at Hogwarts, but they'd insisted that she come with them.
She had to go across the country. Her parents wanted her out of school, and they were going to hire a tutor to teach her. Her parents really didn't want her at Hogwarts. She'd heard them talking about her friends being 'bad influences', and the school just not being good for her since she got detention so much.
As well as this, her grandfather had written to her to say that the family wanted her back so that they could grieve properly, together.


They'd be travelling there by portkey, and Maddie wasn't even looking forward to that bit. She'd heard that portkeys were horrible, and they made your stomach churn up really badly.
As she said her final goodbyes, she wiped away her tears and waved at them all. The twins let off a firework or two to try and brighten the mood, which just made her laugh through her tears.

Her and her family were brought all the way up to Dumbledore's study, and they spoke for a minute or two, before taking the portkey.


They ended up in the front garden of a fairly average looking townhouse. Disgruntled, her parents got to their feet, brushed themselves off, pulled their daughter up, and they walked to the front door, leaving Maddie to carry her bag and her trunk inside.

Over the next week, they'd attended her uncles funeral, and brushed up on Maddie's Irish. Most of her older relatives weren't too good with English, so she had to learn.

The girl never knew her uncle, but she thought she ought to pay her respects. Then, a few days later, her grandpa took her out shopping for her new school equipment. She just needed new clothes and books. She would still have the same books as the Hogwarts students, just a couple of extras. Having to put her school clothes away was the saddest part of it all. She'd no longer have the weird but strangely beautiful hogwarts robes. Instead, she just had to look 'smart' for when her tutor came. Maddie didn't really think he'd care, but she still did what her parents said.
// (A.N) i know this chapters really short as well, it was just a kind of.. update :•) \\

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