The Sixth

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J walks into the room, looking panicked and looking around a lot.

"Oh gosh, I'm not even good at this!"

She mumbled, her brown hair swishing behind her as she paced around the room. Her eyes darted around the room and she mumbled things to quickly for anybody to hear.

"I know Flamr means well, but I'm not good at writing so why would she say that!?"

Her then focused onto the orb logging this. She cursed herself out then picked it up gently, speaking, "Sorry guys, it's just Flame said that if I stopped spamming I might get into a writer's server, and that honestly scares me because I didn't expect for me to might be to be with real writers. So I'm just panicking a lot, but I'm still okay! Just... nervous, bye now!"

She then turns off the orb, ending the log.


Just a normal storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt