xQcOW 💖🤍🖤

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A/N: I know what you're thinking, AGAIN?! Yes. Yes again. This is the only thing my brain wanted to write okai>:(


       I run through the halls of  America's Dormitories as Nikola and Chang-Hoon chase me, trying to get the pastries I made from me. I start to run out of the building towards Canada's dorms. I run inside, sprinting towards Felix's room. I frantically knock on his door.

       He opens the door confused. I push past him and lock his door behind me. I put a finger up to my lips, signaling to be quiet. "Where the hell did Y/N run off to? I want those pastries damnit!" I hear Nikola say in pure frustration. "I don't know where he went, but something tells me that Lane doesn't want us here at all." I hear a scoff. "You're right I don't. Y/N is probably hanging out with one of the boys. Let the dude have some time alone after you guys chased him down for a good ten, twenty minutes. He's gotta be out of breath." I hear two sighs and retreating footsteps.

       I sigh, plopping down on Felix's bed. "What the hell just happened?" I hear from Felix, who's still super confused. I chuckle. "That's right, you don't know how good my pastries are. Nikola and Chang-Hoon started chasing me down for them around fifteen minutes ago. Just ended because you saved my damn life from those pastry loving lunatics." I hear a couple of footsteps towards me.

       "Well, since I saved you from their grasp, can I have one?" I smile. "Sure. Cherry or Apple?" He says Cherry, taking one of the turnovers. He bites into one, giving me a satisfying growl. "Damn, they were right to chase you down. These are great. I didn't know you had a knack for baking." I chuckle. "Neither did the boys, so when I gave them one, they immediately wanted more. These were intended for my enjoyment over the next couple of days. Looks like I'll have to make more while the boys are at the store or something." He nods. "Only if I get a small cut!" I laugh, giving him a thumbs up. "Sure. I'm going to head back. I'll be hiding these in my shirt and making a run for my room. See ya, Felix!" He nods, waving back at me.

         I peek into the dorms, seeing that Nikola and Chang-Hoon are asleep on the couch. I sneak past them successfully, getting to my room. Where to hide them... I decide on a basket behind my desk. I decide to text Felix and say:

Y/N: Yo! I've got them hidden. I usually make a batch of 12-16, so you can have either three or four depending on how many are in there.

Felix: Sweet. Those are really good though. You should open a pastry shop or something.

Y/N: I don't know about that one chief. That's my mom's thing. This is her recipe. I'm pretty sure she's got a shop here in LA along with one in Toronto where you're from. I don't know. We don't really talk about anything other than pastries so I don't have the best relationship with her.

Felix: I don't know about you, but I totally want to drop by her bakery if that's the case.

Y/N: Sure. I'll probably get roped into helping in the back, so don't wait for me if that's what my sister does. She runs the one in LA while mom does her thing in our hometown of Toronto.

Felix: Eh, I might want to stick around though. I don't eat enough anyways

Y/N: Good point. I'm gonna go to bed and hope the boys don't break into my room to get them...

Felix: Let's hope not. Night.

    After that I play a couple of Overwatch games, winning them all. Right as I lay down in bed I hear a notification on my phone.

Felix: Hey, sorry, can you come downstairs?

Y/N: Uh sure

Felix: Thanks

Y/N: No problem

     I throw a navy blue Carhartt sweater and ripped jeans on before exiting my room. I run downstairs and out the front door to see a crying Felix. "Holy shit, what happened Felix?" He just embraces me, crying into my shoulder. "We can talk about it tomorrow. For now, how about a cup of hot chocolate and sleeping in my room?" He nods, wiping tears from his cheeks. "Thanks, that sounds nice." I smile, leading him inside.

     We make it to the kitchen so that I can make hot Cocoa. While the milk is heating up, Felix speaks up. "So, Y/N. Is there anyone that you've fallen in love with before?" I freeze. Shit. "Um... Yeah." Felix looks down. "Who?" I chuckle. "He's great. He's got frosted tips, a killer smile, and body. He's also great at Overwatch to the point where he's on the world cup team for my home country. That's all you're getting for a description. Do you have anyone?" He chuckles. "Yeah... H/L, H/C hair, He's smaller than me. He's got the same job as me too. He's got a crush on another man though, so I won't get him."

      I chuckle. "I might as well tell you, Felix. That man I'm helplessly in love with isn't SureFour... Not Agilities either." Felix furrows his brows. "I... I know you'll be happy with that other dude, so I'm just going to get it out of the way. That man I have been in love with from day one is you... Always has been. Always will be." His eyes go wide and he starts to cry. The milk finishes heating up, so I mix in the chocolate powder. When I turn around, Felix gets up, and... Kisses me. I kiss back, but tears start falling from my face as well. "Damn you're stupid. You're the one for me Y/N. The only one." I nuzzle into Felix's chest and we stay there for a couple of minutes.

      "Let's get upstairs. The hot cocoa's gonna cool off if we don't drink it fast enough." I say, not really wanting to move. I feel Felix nod, so I let go. Grabbing our mugs, we walk upstairs all sneaky-like. After we arrive in my room, I down my hot chocolate, wanting to cuddle with Felix asap. "How the hell did you not burn your mouth to oblivion?" I hear Felix say. "I've done that so many times before that I'm pretty sure I have developed an intolerance to it," I respond, chuckling. He just sighs, leaning against my chest.

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