chapter 1

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Y/N was in her dorm room and this time it was her and Vanessa's dorm room. Vanessa was at the library so Y/N had some time to kick back. She new a spell wich ae could let the painting look like a TV which she could see what the gargoyles see. She used this spell alot to say spy on her enemies which was almost all the girls. After that ahe thought she would go through Vanessa's thing's. She found a pound and just as she pulled it out of the wallet Vanessa came into the room.'' Y/N!''  She dragged her across the castle and knocked on Mrs.mcgonagall's door. ''Mrs.mcgonagall I found Y/N in my stuff again.'' ''Vanessa dear you can go I want to speak withe Y/N privately please.'' Vanessa walked away closing the door behind her.'' Y/N we have talked about you stealing other students stuff!'' '' but Mrs.mcgonag-'' she cut her of.'' But nothing we have to take extreme measures, you'll be in the boys home from next year is that clearl?'' ''Yes mrs. But what about now?the rest of the semester?'' ''Yould be in your own dorm.'' She walks out and close the door behind her. She walked too her dorm room qhere she would stay in alone for the rest of the mont before the holidays. She went home. Her mother said"Y/N why are you moving to the boys house?" She asked not quite understanding. She took a deap breath and said,"well I've gotten into a lot of trouble with thhe girls and now i'm moving in with the boys, i dont know any of them i promise!" Her mum was disappointed in her and said." Just go too your room." She was punished for the rest of the vacation but not for Christmas.         

Ok so this is also a short chapter bc it obly has like 320 words but I'm trying to make them longer and that's it my little apples ok so I'm already working on chapter 2

malfoy,draco malfoy 《book 1》Where stories live. Discover now