Chapter Three

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Gia focused on her breathing as she ran with ease on the treadmill. Tonight was her first official match since her return.

She would be tag-teaming with Natalya against Sasha Banks and Liv Morgan. Bayley would be on commentary.

Gia could already fill the exhilaration flowing through her bones as she walked down the ramp. The bright lights, cheering fans, hearing he name announced.

She couldn't wait to get some action.

It was like her debut all over again. A moment she'd be intentional about soaking in and never forgetting.

Wanting to move to the weights, Gia slows down the treadmill. When it comes to a complete stop, she wipes the beads of sweat from her forehead with a towel.

Stepping down, she bumps into Mandy. The blonde was dressed in athletic gear, ready to get a good work out for herself.

"Hey, how are you?" Gia hugged her.

They hadn't seen each other since Gia and Dolph ditched dinner.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good," Mandy pushes her blonde hair behind her ears. "I think I was coming down with a bug. Luckily, it didn't last very long. Then again, I did have Dolph to take care of me," she blushed.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Gia led her away from the treadmill, so someone else could use it if they wanted.

"How'd dinner go with, Drew? I hope it wasn't awkward. I was hoping you didn't think it was a set up for a blind date or something."

"Oh, no, not at all," Gia was surprised that she hadn't given the thought any attention. "It was great—Drew's cool, real sweet too. I was honestly just happy to get dressed up and have a good time with someone. I haven't gone out much since the divorce so."

"So, you haven't been with a guy either?" Mandy's freshly threaded eyebrows raised.

"I know where you're going with this." Gia turned on her heels and headed for the weight station.

"Well, then, are you really going to let that douche bag of an ex-husband keep you from finding love again? Or even dating?"

"Right now, I'm dating my career," Gia turned to her, not at all embarrassed.

"You sound like a middle-aged woman who has like ten cats."

"Shut up," Gia rolled her eyes. "Can we not do this?"

"Look, G, I get it," Mandy placed a hand on her shoulder. "He screwed you over, but don't think you'd be letting him win if he's preventing you from having a roll in the sheets or a date?"

"Win?" Gia scoffed. "What is this? A game?"

"You know what I mean," Mandy crossed her arms over her chest.

"I do know what you mean, but Mandy, you don't know how bad it was. You weren't there, okay? When someone says that they love you and then they . . ."

Gia gulped, feeling tears well in her eyes.

"It does something to you, okay?"

Mandy swallowed her own tears, angry at how broken her friend obviously still was despite being better than she was. Someone as sweet as Gia deserved the world, and nothing less.

"It changes you," Gia explains. "So, right now, I don't want to even entertain the thought of guys. Right now, I want to focus on getting that title. And I would really love my best friend's support."

"Of course you have my support," Mandy grasped your hands. "And I'll back off - for now. As soon as you're ready to get back out there, you let me know. I'm a good matchmaker."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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