× Chapter 2 ×

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- Skyla -

After reading Michael's note outside under a shady tree, I closed my eyes as a brief shot of pain throbbed near my wound.

'I don't even have a mobile phone' I thought to myself as I slowly got up and made my way to my locker. Luckily, all the students were still in class. Grace didn't have the opportunity to attack.

Slowly, I made my way to the lockers where my own was situated. Number 305, 306, 307, 308. Oh, 309! I thought to myself. Quickly spinning my code in, I grabbed my books and stuffed them into my messenger bag. When I closed my locker door, I saw a boy walking down the hall towards me. All I could think to do was put my head down and leave. So I did exactly that. I put my head down and walked the opposite way. Opening the door to go outside, I risked a look at the boy, only to find him standing at my locker. Stepping outside, my mind went into overdrive.

All the letter from Grace had made me freak out whenever someone came up to me at my locker. Most of the time, it was just people asking about homework. But now as I'm actually aware of the boy at my locker, I started to panic. So I ran. I held onto my bag and ran.

After running ten minutes straight, I began to have trouble breathing. So I slowed to a walk and eventually stopped. Hands on my knees, I tried to claim my breathing. As I did that, I took in my surroundings. Trees, trees and more trees. I could hear people behind me and cars zooming past so I can't be far from the main street.

Trekking my way back, I noticed that I was actually in our local park. Families playing, people walking dogs and kids playing on the skate park. I smiled at the view and casually walked past it all. I must have run through the park like someone who was crazy because a couple of people were staring at me.

'Oh well, you don't get to see that everyday' I thought to myself.

"Skyla!" Aunt Val called from the local café. She waved me over and I took a seat across from her. Naomi was sitting next to her, eating her ice-cream that Aunt Val must have promised her. "How are you feeling honey?" She asked as she pulled Naomi's black hair away from the melting ice cream cone.

"Felt like I was dying when it happened but when I woke up, I felt great." I said before thinking. Aunt Val nodded as she took what I had said. "Oh my, I'm so sorry Aunt Val. I didn't think." I said before I put my head in my hands.

"Gorgeous, it's okay. I understand. I've booked an appointment with Dr Hills for tomorrow morning, so you won't be attending school at all tomorrow." Aunt Val said before her work phone began to ring. "Sorry, I'm going to take this quickly." As she got up from the table to answer the phone, Naomi looked at me.

"Skywa, what happened to your head? Val said you hurt it." She asked after she offered me some ice-cream, well what's left of it.

"I was knocked over at school and I now have a cut on my head. So Val was right, I hurt it." I explained the best I could to Naomi, who is only five.

"Ow." She said before patting my hand. "You'll be okay Skywa. I know it."

For a five-year-old, she's pretty smart. She is literally the sister I never had.

"Thank you beautiful." I said before cleaning her up. "You finished?" I asked and she nodded before throwing her rubbish in the bin. "Val will be back soon. Then we'll go home and watch movies. What do you think?" I asked and her face lit up like a mini Christmas tree.

"Ok girls, I'm going to have to head into the office for a few hours. Cam you look after Naomi for me?" Aunt Val asked and I instantly nodded. "Ok, I'll drop you all off at home and I'll be off."

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