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If you are hoping for a happy ending, this story doesn't really promise one.

If you want a love story, I guess this book will have one.

If you want to see a reality, this story will show you one.

If you want your thoughts to jumble,

If you want tears to well in your eyes,

If you hate goodbyes,

If you hate the truth,

But you also hate lies,

Then this story is for you.

But don't blame me when you get unhappy,

You already read all that may be.


I look down in shame in front of the bright light.

" Hoorulayan... What do you have to say for yourself? "

I prod a stone with my foot as tears poor down my face. " Ya Allah... " I stop unable to look up at my Lord on this doomsday, and unable to say a word.

" Hoor... tell me. I have all the time in the world." My Lord says as my tears and regrets swim around me.

" Ya Allah.. ohh I hate my lies." I sob. " I hate my lies."

Hoorulayan. The queen of the heavens. A woman of Jannat-Ul-Firdous. A beautiful name. But did this girl live up to it in her Lord's eyes?


Just like sweet Shel Silverstein says,

If you are a dreamer, come in

If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,

A Hope-er, a Pray-er, a Magic Bean buyer,

If you are a pretender, come sit by my fire

For we have some flax-golden tales to spin

Come in!

Come in!

The Girl Who Lived (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now