A new face

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Blue walked and walked until he found Error. Error was sitting on the edge of a cliff staring at the night sky, their were many stars that night.

Blue: Hey Error...

Error: WhAT Do yOu NEEd KiD.

Blue: Have you seen Dream he hasn't been at star base all day and we are worried.

Error: That's StRAnGE InK WAS SuPpOsEd tO Be HeRE By NoW.

Blue: what do you mean?

Error: WeLL he LefT HiS ViAlS HeRE aND he SaID He WOUld BE HeRe tO GeT ThEM.

Blue: Oh..... WAIT WHAT!? Oh no!
Can I have his vials he must have forgotten about them!

Error: SUre *gives blue the vials*

Blue: thanks

Error: NO ProBleM

Blue starts running towards the base just to find that ink wasn't their. So Blue checks the doodle sphere.

Blue: Ink!

Their was no reply. Then Blue hears a paper tear.


Blue turns around and sees a ripped au.

Blue:..... Ink your scarring me come here!

Their was no reply.


The fallen StarsWhere stories live. Discover now