Dirty Window

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I see my reflection in the window
It looks different, so different than what you see
Projecting judgment on the world
This house is clean, baby
This house is clean

Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Look out my window and see it's gone wrong
Court is in session and I slam my gavel down

I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too
I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too

Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector
Projector, Rejector, Infector
Injector, Defector, Rejector

I see my reflection in the window
This window clean inside, dirty on the out
I'm looking different than me
This house is clean, baby
This house is clean

Am I who I think I am?
Am I who I think I am?
Oh, am I who I think I am?
I look out my window and see it's gone wrong
My court is in session and now I slam my gavel down

I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too
I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too

Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector
Projector, Rejector, Infector
Injector, Defector, Rejector, Detector

I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too
Hmm, I'm judge and I'm jury and I'm executioner too

Projector, Protector, Rejector, Infector
Projector, Rejector, Infector
Injector, Defector, Rejector

I drink from the cup of denial
I'm judging the world from my throne
I drink from the cup of denial
I'm judging the world from my throne, yeah

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"'Post code envy' describe the envious feeling towards the people who can live in expansive area with well known post code (such as 90210 for hollywood)."

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