Hey Everyone!!

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I just wanted to start this off with a quick lil introduction and give some background information for this AU and all the characters within it

So, this AU is a Human AU set in high school (I will discuss ages and stuff in just a sec) and for our lovely sides + Remy and Emile, this is their Junior Year(so 11th grade).

Now, lets give em all a short lil bio:

Name: Roman Sanders

Age: 16

Height: 5'8"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay as h-e-double hockysticks

Electives: Theatre, Choir, and Art(he be that creative boi)


He is pretty popular, knowing a lot of people, and a lot of people definitely knowing him.

He has a twin brother, Remus.

His best friend is Patton, they do choir together and have been friends since they were young.

He is currently single and "waiting for a decent, good-looking man to sweep him off his feet"

He is very extra, and dramatic, as always.

Is currently getting extra help for his grades from his tutor, Logan.


Name: Remy Night

Age: 16 going on 17

Height: 5'10"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: So Homosexual it's honestly a problem.

Electives: Yearbook Staff (bby take pictures) and that's about it. He just takes Study Halls to nap in.


He is definitely addicted to coffee and caffeine. Like, he cant function without it.

He occasionally likes to do his makeup, and it always freakin slaps.

He is a sassy bitch. Like, that's it. That's his character trait.

He has been crushing on Theatre boy Roman Sanders since beginning of sophomore year-

His bestie is Virgil cause they were both just kinda like "oh hey you seem like you'd be cool to chill with." then they just became close and they would now commit crimes together.

Is not particularly in the search for a LoVeR. And is kinda saving himself for if he could ever talk to Roman


Name: Patton Hart

Age: 16 almost 17

Height: 5'5"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Electives: Choir, Life Skills, Band(plays trombone)


He is sweetest boy, definitely the mom friend of the group.

He had ADHD, stimming included.

He really loves everyone, and all the teachers love him cause he loves them too :))

He is in a relationship with Janus, and they have been dating since freshman year and their relationship is s t r o n g.

Coffee Stains and Unread Scripts~ A RoSleep High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now