Chapter 21- SECRET bloody ADMIRER

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"Wake up! Wake up Sav! It's christmas!"

This..was the first thing Savana heard on Christmas Day. Savana was tired. She had spent almost the whole night, with Draco on the Astronomy Tower.

"Noooo." Savanna groaned

Savana was the only one in bed. Pansy and Kat were up and ripping off the gift wrappings at the speed of lightning.

"Wake up Savana! Oh look what we have here!" said Kat in a smug voice.

"A gift from Draco? Oh he must have mistaken her name for mine!" Pansy said.

This got Sav up. She rushed and snatched the gift box away from Pansy and looked at the note from Draco.

Dearest Savana,

The gift is locket, check inside, it's a picture, Theo took of us. I really hope you like it. I spent ages in the store looking for the perfect gift.

I love you,


Savana picked up the locket, it was silver with pick engravings, and it was really aesthetic. There was a picture of her and Draco hugging, and smiling. She instantly put it on and smiled.

"Wow! That's really pretty!" Kat commented.

"You got 5 more gifts Savana." Pansy said, passing her the boxes.

She muttered a thanks to Pansy and opened it up. She had gotten her sweater from Mrs.Weasley, it was green with a snake on it. Kat had gotten her a charmed box, of food, that kept refilling itself. Theo had gotten her a nice wallet, Hermione had gotten her a big box of candy from Honeydukes, Ron had gotten her a ring, while Harry had given her a nice pair of earrings. But the letter? Who was that from?

Dear Savana,

I'm sure you don't know me, but I think your very pretty. You deserve someone who can take care of you and cherish you, every moment of the day. 

Have a Merry Christmas,

A Secret Admirer.

"Ooh secret admirer!" Kat exclaimed. "Who could that be?" 

"Obviously someone with very bad eye sight, who'd admire you Savana?" Pansy said.

"Excuse me, but I'm currently dating your crush. And he sent me a locket while he sent you..what..nothing again?" Savana retorted.

Pansy scowled and went out of the room.

"But honestly, who has the guts to write you a letter, when your dating Draco?" Kat asked.

"That's probably why they didn't sign it." 


Savana and Kat went down to the common room, where they were greeted by hugs from both of their boyfriends. 

"That's a nice locket, the person who gave it to you must be amazing!" Draco said, cuddling up next to Savana.

"Nah, he's a bit of prick really." Savana, grinned.

"Oh so you think I'm a prick huh?" Draco said, grinning, while he tickled her.

"No stop!" She said, laughing.

Once they settled down at breakfast, Savana looked around, checking who could have sent her the mystery letter. People were smiling around at everyone so that was quite a challenge. She caught Neville's eye, and they smiled at each other. She smiled towards Luna who smiled back.

"Who're you looking for?" Draco asked.

"Oh nothing."

Savana thought it would be best if she didn't tell Draco about the letter, that could cause quite a stir. Halfway during breakfast another letter came in.

She took the letter from the owl, and decided to open it later, perhaps with Kat.

The rest of the day went by normally, the group had fun playing outside, in the snow, they even invited, Neville, and Luna in to the join them.

Soon, it was night, she kissed Draco, and went to bed, where of course, Kat had been waiting for her. 

"I saw you got a letter at breakfast, from your secret admirer perhaps?" Kat said, winking.

"Yes, I haven't had a moment alone, where I could read it. Let's do it now."

She opened the letter, and sure enough it was the same handwriting.

Dear Savana,

I love the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you walk. Let's face it, your gorgeous. I will love you for the rest of your life, if only you give me a chance. Take my mobile number, let's chat.

xxxxxxxxxxx (sorry I didn't really want to put a number in, let's just assume this is the number of the secret admirer)

Your secret admirer.

"Okay okay! Let's get chatting!" Kat said.

"I..i don't know Kat, I'm dating Draco this doesn't feel right."

"How about we just become friends, if this guy pressurises you to do anything then we'll just block, yeah?" Kat suggested.

"Alright." Savana said, typing in the number.

Unknown (private chat)

You: hi

Unknown: Hey! Glad u got my letter.

You: yeah, figured it's good to make friends.

Unknown: friends?

You: well yes I have a boyfriend 

Unknown: ofc I understand, I'd be happy to be friends.

You: so r u going to tell me who u r?

Unknown: nope, that's for u to find out.

Unknown: plus I don't want ur boyfriend on my back

You: ok

You: so how's life?

Unknown: good, now that I'm talking to u

 ("why's he being such a flirt when I told him, I'm with Draco?" Savana said, to Kat.)

You: er that's nice

Unknown: oh, my room mate is calling me, i gtg, I'd love to talk sometime else. 

You: yea sure bye

"Well that was..weird." 

❤︎  𝙳𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 ❤︎ | ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora