-Week 7-

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Week Seven

who's side are you on?

sometimes, the only reason why you won't let go of what's making you sad is because it was the only thing that made you happy.

i don't look at you as someone to trust or the one who saved me anymore. i look at you as the one who hurt me. and that- that is the difference between then, and now.

you hurt me, and then you left me in the dust. maybe the dust is where i belong.

your only problem, perhaps, is that you scream without letting yourself cry.

i like to have headphones in and see everyone talking, but not be able to hear their words. because it's people's words that hurt me.

i'm really sorry that i was the apologetic one. 

maybe you two were meant to be. maybe you deserve each other. you both want easy. and there you have it. easy.

Outside Sources

"the apologetic one" - Dead to Me by Melanie Martinez

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