Chapter 10

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Mitch's POV



He hushed me, and continued to travel down my body. On his way to my pants.

As he kneeled all the way down, his face was right at my zipper. Magically, my jeans were off and in a matter of seconds as I felt my hardness felt cold. Jerome grasped onto my member. Before I could look down, brightness blinded me.

I woke up. Feeling hot and sweaty.

Just a dream. That was intense.

Blushing at what I just imagined, I remembered Jerome was here. His arm was wrapped around my stomach as he snoozed into my shoulder. I was holding onto to his forearm and I felt our legs tangled. My back was against his chest so I couldn't see him fully.

Carefully, I got out of his grip and hung my legs over the bed.

What a weird thing to dream of.

I put my elbows on my thighs so I was leaning forward with my head in my hands. Trying to wake up, I rub my eyes and naturally ran my fingers through my hair.

As I stood up, I stretched my whole body and yawned. The bed creaked a little making me turn my head to see Jerome just turning over, but still asleep.

I just stood there with my eyes not leaving his body. Welp, guess i'll wake him up.

Leaning over a little, I put my hand on his shoulder and shook him lightly.

"Jerome. Time to get up." I tell him yawning once more.

Doesn't move.





"Wake up, stinkin' bacca. We have school."


That's it.

I climb onto the bed standing up, my head almost hitting the roof, and started hopping on the bed.

"Jerome! Time to get up!" I yell not too loud but he was bouncing up and down.

"Meeeeeetch." He groaned pulling the covers over him as I continued to jump on the bed.

"C'mon Jerome! Aren't you excited for SCHOOL?" Still jumping up and down.

"Staaahp!" He groaned once more.

I decided to stop and then fell to my knees and crawled onto him.

"Oh, Jerome." I said deviously taking the covers off.

I'm pretty sure he knew what was coming next.

"It'd be a shame if somebody started kissing you.." I spoke leaning in to his face.

"NNNOO!" He screeched getting out the bed immediately.

"Good boy. Now go get some clothes from my closet so we can leave." I say getting out of bed.

He doesn't like kissing in the mornings. Because of morning breath. The taste in your mouth is horrible. So kissing isn't a good thing to do. If it was just a peck on the lips, it'd be fine. //this is actually me omg when i wake up i have to brush my teeth cuz it taste so bad ;-;//

"We need to clean our teeth first though." I lead him to my bathroom and take out my toothbrush and an extra one out for Jerome. Turning on the sink water, we both added some minty toothpaste on the brushes and wet-ten them and applied it to our teeth. //doh//

Young Love ll Merome FFDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora