A Riverwing's guide to: Woodwings

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Name: Woodwings

Queen: Queen Woodpecker

Scale Color: greens, browns, and sometimes yellows.

Eye Color: Green, Blue, Purple, Orange, and Yellow.

Horns/Spikes/Claws: Their horns are short and slightly curved down. They have very sharp claws and teeth. Instead of spikes down their back, they have moss growing out of their scales. They have small thorns around their eyes and around the tip of their tail. Their claws, horns, teeth, and thorns are white.

Body Shape: They are slim, big, and fast.

Other Appearance Details: They have triangular patterns on their underbelly and drips on their wings. They also have a big toe like a raptors on their back talons.

Abilities: They can camouflage in the forest and they are fairly sneaky.

Special Abilities: They can swing around on branches as a quicker way to get around. They have night vision. They radiate small amounts of heat off of their scales.

Strengths: They can blend in well with the forest/wood they live in. 

Weaknesses: They can't blend in that well in the desserts and mountains. They can't swim and they dislike water. They really dislike the cold and they are very slow and inactive when they are near it.

Kingdom Name: Osisiala

Kingdom Location: In a large wood/forest on the main island.

Palaces/Buildings: The Queen's palace is a large bowl shaped crater that is filled with flower, moss, grass, and fruits. The other dragons' dens are small caves under the giant tree roots.

Other Kingdom Details: There is green grass and giant trees everywhere and the trees have massive roots that go outward instead of down. 

Relationship With Other Tribes: "Oh, hello!"

Attitude Towards Dragons With Special Abilities: "Um... please don't hurt us."

Common Personality Traits: Nice, kind, carefree, loving, likeable, and protective of their dragonets.

Egg Appearance: The eggs are usually a dark muddy brown with light green towards the top. 

Hatcheries: The hatcheries are big towers made of wood, moss, and sap. They go from the ground to the top of the trees. The hatcheries are held in place by large vines tied around the trees. The grounds are made from mud and moss. The Queen's hatchery is a smaller platform at the top of the tower.

Dragonets: When they hatch, the dragonets are sorted into their packs, but sometimes there aren't enough dragonets one day, so they keep them in a small cave until there are, then they send them off to learn. The dragonets are cared for by the caretakers and they get taught how to swing through the trees.

Battle Style: They sneak around and fight claw to claw. 

Culture: They give the Queen gifts every nightfall and if it is good enough, they get many fruits in return. The other Woodwings huddle together in big piles at night to keep warm.

Possible Jobs: Caretaker, Egg Tender, Assassin, Swing Teacher, and Food Gatherer.

History: The Woodwings were slaves of the Bonewings and they were perfectly fine with that. When the Brightwings started the war against the Bonewings, the Woodwings fled to the forest and started growing it. They stayed in Osisiala and kept other dragons out with their assassins. The Queen back then was Queen Sloth and she made the Woodwings cover Osisiala with poisonous plants and assassins everywhere so that no other dragon would go in their land. When Queen Sloth died, Queen Bear was in charge and she made everyone get rid of the assassins and their posts, and the poisonous plants were then put into greenhouses. They have avoided fighting and conflict ever since.

Other: They are very creative and handy, so they make a lot of decorations, tools, weapons, and shacks. They live in packs. Packs are groups of 5 Woodwings around the same age, usually not related.

Naming: Tree names (Acacia, Birch, or Oak), Animal names (Coyote, Moose, or Gopher), Or flower names (Chrysanthemum, Petunia, or Rose)

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