Party Rockers in the House Tonight

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Whizzer was currently leaned against a wall, quietly sipping his drink as he observed the rest of the party. He had come here to find a hookup, and he hadn't had much luck yet. He stifled a sigh as he finished off his drink, begrudgingly getting off the wall and heading to get a refill.

Marvin poured himself another shitty beer. Charlotte had convinced him to come out, and he was already regretting it. He didn't know anyone here, and Charlotte had left him to go talk to the host, so that meant he had nothing better to do then get extremely drunk. Whizzer approached the table and quickly poured himself another drink, before he noticed Marvin. He scanned him for a moment before smirking and going to stand closer to him.

"Hey." He greeted casually, running his eyes up and down his body again before focusing on his face. "Lame party, right?" He couldn't believe he just used the word 'lame', but it would have to do for now. Marvin turned to the man and snorted.

"It shits." He knew the guy was checking him out or flirting with him or whatever. Maybe this would make the night less painful. He took another sip of beer before giving him a half smile. "I'm Marvin."

Whizzer nodded a little. "Whizzer." He replied, glancing around the room before taking a sip of his drink. "So, what brought you out here then?"

"Oh, well, I was kinda forced to come with someone. Partying isn't really 'my thing' but she threatened physical violence so I decided to just fuck it and turn up." He looked Whizzer up and down. "And you?"

"I'm friends with the host." He explained, glancing down at his drink. "She insisted that I come to meet guys 'the normal way' instead of just going out to bars and waiting around to get fucked."

"Hm, you think that would be the normal way." He drawled. "At least you got forced to come here too. Everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves." There was a couple making out in the corner and someone passed out on the floor with someone crouched over them trying to wake them up.

"Well to Cordelia it isn't." He said, laughing a little. He returned his gaze to Marvin, a small smile on his face. "I would probably be enjoying myself if I was getting dicked down-" He winked at him, taking another sip from his drink.

Marvin felt interest stir in the pit of his stomach but he pointedly ignored it. He took a long sip of beer. "You're not very subtle, are you?" He didn't look up from his drink as he spoke.

"Nope!" He said, draping his arm around Marvin's shoulders. "So... are you interested?" Against his better judgment, Marvin leaned in and kissed him. It was sloppy, but they were both pretty drunk so it didn't matter. He pulled back with his hands on Whizzer's chest. "Sure." Whizzer's eyes widened slightly when Marvin kissed him, but he quickly melted into it. He looked down at him, his face a little red. "Come with me." He said, grabbing his arm and dragging him upstairs. He quickly went into the spare bedroom and pulled him in, locking the door behind him. Marvin surged forwards and kissed him, placing his hands lightly on his waist. He hoped Charlotte wouldn't notice that he'd disappeared, she probably would assume he left. Whizzer kissed Marvin back, tangling his fingers in his hair. He leaned against the door, gently pulling him closer to his body. He knew that Cordelia was probably doing the exact same thing as him, so he didn't care about getting caught by her. Marvin's hands found their way under Whizzer's shirt, his hands resting on the small of his back, fingertips pressing into his bare skin. He kissed down his neck onto his collarbone, biting it softly. Whizzer took in a sharp breath when Marvin bit him, gently tugging at his hair. He eventually reached down, undoing Marvin's belt and pants.

"Can I..?" He asked quietly, hovering his hand close to the other man's crotch.

Marvin pulled back slightly. He nodded quickly.

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