chapter 1

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"You're just a quirkless deku! YOU WON'T EVEN PASS THE EXAMS!! SO IF YOU WANNA BE A HERO JUST PRAY THAT YOU'LL BE BORN WITH A QUIRK IN YOUR NEXT LIFE! AND TAKE A SWAN DIVE OF THE ROOF OF THE BUILDING!" Kacchan yelled as he threw my notebook out the classroom window. He pushed me to the ground before leaving the classroom, As the laughter faded I stood up and grabbed my bag. Just another average day with Kacchan, I sighed as I walked through the corridors to the exit. On my way out I found my notebook in a small river, Soaked and surrounded by koi fish. I sigh and grab the notebook shaking the koi and water off. "All my hard work….down the drain…"
I sighed once more and stuffed the notebook into my bag before walking off to my apartment building. I open the door and kick off my red shoes. "Mom, I'm home!"  I received no response, she must be at work. I walked over to the kitchen and put my bag by the table while I fixed myself something to eat. I chose mochi(cus mochi is bomb fight me) . I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. "Honey, Honey wake up dinners ready." I felt a light shake before my eyes fluttered open. My gaze met a green eyed woman with green hair. "Sorry to wake you up dear but dinners ready." She kissed me on the forehead and left to set the table. I sat upright and rubbed my eyes following my mother to the table and sitting down. "Ok! It's already ready, do you want any other spices?" She turned around holding a bowl full of noodles(cus noodles are bomb) I shook my head and grabbed the bowl picking at the noodles. "Honey you hardly touched your food, Are you ok? You're usually so talkative." "Just had a rough day today. I'm okay though, don't worry about it please" I smile and stick noodles in my mouth. "Alright then" she shot me a concerned look before eating. I shortly finished my food and put the bowl in the sink."I'm going for a walk ok mom?" "Ok just be safe dear, be back by-" Her sentence trails off as she looks at the time. "6:30 us good! I love you, be safe!" I smiled and nodded while putting my red shoes on and jacket and walked out the door. 

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