Ep. 23 | ...Or Can They? I *Did* Tell You That She'd Always Have Amber :)

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It was Saturday, ten minutes to noon. Vidya stood on the porch of the Reynolds house, her stomach twisted into the most painful knots imaginable. She knocked on the door softly, worried that she was about to lose her nerve and throw up into the begonias.

Teddy opened the door and blinked. "Oh. Hi, Vidya!"

He was being friendly; Amber must not have told him about what happened at the showcase. If she had, Teddy probably would've slammed the door in Vidya's face, and rightfully so.

"Hey," she said. "Is Amber home?"

He shouted for her over his shoulder. A muffled response came from upstairs, so he disappeared back inside, leaving the door open. Vidya didn't follow and just awkwardly rubbed her elbow. Usually, she would go up to Amber's room without being explicitly invited to. It was clearly what Teddy expected, because he poked his head in the doorway again and looked at her questioningly for staying on the porch, but he went back inside with a shrug, not thinking anything of it.

Amber came downstairs without looking up or saying hello. She silently walked onto the porch, forcing Vidya to backpedal down the steps, and closed the door behind her so that no one—especially not her brother—would eavesdrop.

Vidya didn't hesitate. "I'm sorry," she blurted out. "I was so frustrated and upset with everything going on in my life and I took it all out on you, and that was wrong. I shouldn't have yelled, and I definitely shouldn't have left. I'm so sorry."

Amber crossed her arms over her chest—not in an angry way, but in a defensive way—and eyed the ground, shrugging. "It was somewhat warranted," she mumbled. "You're right, I really can't understand what you're going through."

"But that doesn't make it right for me to lash out on you," Vidya said, venturing one step forward. "You were just trying to help me, and I love you for that."

Amber just shrugged again.

"Amber." Vidya took another step and swallowed. "I"m so sorry. Please forgive me."

Excruciating seconds of silence stretched on forever. Amber finally blew a strand of hair out of her face, wiping at her eyes. "Of course I forgive you," she scoffed.

Vidya pulled her best friend into a bear hug, almost lifting her off her feet. Relief flooded through her, twinged with some fear—she realized suddenly just how wrong everything could've gone. One stupid fight almost ruined her most important friendship.

They broke apart, both of them wiping at their eyes. "I'm glad we made up," Amber said, opening the door and reaching inside toward the mail holder, "because I've got some news. This came in the mail this morning."

She held up a large envelope. Vidya didn't need to read the address; Amber's glowing smile said it all.

"You got in!" Vidya screeched. "You got into SVA!"

"I got in!" Amber echoed, practically shaking.

Vidya wanted to scream again and jump up and down with joy, but she reeled in her excitement enough to say something. "Are you free today? Let's get sushi to celebrate—my treat!"


It was the lunch rush, and Amber's favorite sushi place was busy. They sat at a small table in the back corner, stuffing their faces with rice and fish and talking as if they hadn't seen each other in forever. Less than a day apart, and they had a lifetime to catch up on.

Amber explained how hard it was to stop herself from calling Vidya about SVA because she wanted to do it in person, but she wasn't even sure she'd get the chance. Vidya almost cried. Then they talked about where Amber would be living in Manhattan, and how Vidya would visit during the winter so she could see snow for the first time—real snow that fell from the sky, not snow made by superpowers.

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