Chapter 1 the meeting

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Buckbeaks POV

I ruffled my feathers and stretched. I saw Hagrid my father bringing me some rats to eat. Rats are my favorite snack. Sometimes the house elves even make me some special cream to dip the rats in. 

I saw Hagrid come with some students too. I recognized Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermionie Granger, and that retched pale blonde Draco Malfoy. I did not like him. Even though I was't quite fond of him, i still noticed how hot he was. 

Harry approached me very cautiously. He bowed towards me and I bowed back because I am nice like that. I let him pet me too because I'm severely touched starved. I miss my ex boyfriend, Dobby. He used to give me the best massages. But then he cheated on me with Kreacher and now I hate him.

I decided to let Harry ride me. I took him over Hogwarts and over the Black Lake. He liked it. 

As soon as we landed everyone was clapping for some bizarre reason. Probably because I'm such a magnificent hippogriff. All of a sudden I saw Draco running towards. I blushed a little. then I heard what he was saying. "that hippogriff is dumb, If Potter could ride that thing, then I can too." he yelled.

That was quite disrespectful of him. So as soon as he approached me I knocked him down to the ground. He looked pretty good on the floor like that. Buckbeak stop thinking so those things. I thought. 

Draco was on the ground screaming "it's killed meh, it's killed meh!" How dumb is he? if I wanted to have killed him he would be dead. Hagrid came rushing forward and picked up draco. He took him to see Madam Pomfrey. I hope i see draco again i thought.

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