Lies and Secrets

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September 20, 1986

The yellow circle fell with a loud clank.

"Gotcha," Lucas stated apathetically as he showed the diagonal line his yellow pieces had made. Dustin swore but not with the usual enthusiasm he normally had when he lost to Lucas, probably because this was the fourteenth time he'd lost today.

It was no secret that what remained of the fractured party were all down about their situation. Although "down" was putting it mildly. The only glimmer of hope that remained now was how much more strengthened Lucas and Dustin's relationship had become.

Mike locked himself away in his room most days, except for meals and school. Max did the same, El and Will's departure had affected both of them greatly. Although, Lucas knew it was really Eleven who everyone missed, he held small grudges against Mike because of that. Will had always been the best friend to him and yet he cared more about the girl than him.

Lucas, Mr. Love, was more resentful because he was still unsure where he and Max stood. The smooth talker may have given Mike more lenience had he actually been in a stable relationship. But ever since Mike and El's break up at the mall that day and the quick moving events that led to her and Will's departure, he never got a chance to talk to Max. Now she never wanted to talk.

Just like Mike, she rarely left her room. The death of her brother and the absence of one of the best friends she ever had, had shaken her to her core. Now she only called Lucas once or twice a week and they only talked for fifteen minutes at the most. She would never say much besides "hmm" and "mm hmm."

Dustin spent most of his free time with Lucas or at the video store, or both. He and Steve were as thick as thieves, at least that hadn't changed. Dustin's will was strong, he knew he had to be the light at the end of the tunnel for the party, so that's what he did. It wasn't fake happiness mind you, he was genuinely ok, the least effected by the fracture. Whenever he did start to feel down, a quick trip to the video store reinvigorated his light.

There can't be a light without a shadow however, and that shadow helped to rip the already fractured party more and more to shreds. This shadow was the hatred Max and Mike shared for one another.

They each blamed each other for the reason El had left, much to Lucas' irritation because Will still remained an after thought. Suffice it to say, Max and Mike steered clear of one another. Every time they did meet though, it often exploded into fits of yelling and cursing. Lucas and Dustin felt like they were all that was really left of the once 6 person party.

"Wanna play again?" Lucas asked, trying hard to get Max off his mind.

"Nah I think 22 times is enough for one day." Dustin groaned while stretching his back and popping his knuckles. He got off the floor while Lucas put all the pieces back into the box. Dustin grabbed his back pack and slung it over his shoulder, then turned back to see Lucas deep in thought.

"We gotta get outta here man," Lucas stated with a hint of desperation to his voice before he turned to look at the other curly haired boy. "We gotta go somewhere and do something. I'm getting sick and tired of everyone feeling down all the time." Lucas continued exasperatedly and then stood up.

"I know what you mean, but it'll be alright." Dustin said boldly, fully believing what he said. Lucas looked at him with a hard expression before he finally said what he'd been thinking all along.

"They're not coming back, they need to get over it." Dustin furrowed his brow quickly at Lucas' words. It hit him hard and fast, the thought of never seeing Will again, or even Jonathon? He blinked and reaffirmed his face, he couldn't let Lucas' doubt shake his confidence. "Why do you have to be so pessimistic?"

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