The man panted as he walked up the many steps. A flash of lightning brightening up the path, the crack of thunder echoing across the sky soon after causing the man to flinch slightly. He clutches the body closer to his chest. He continues to walk up the steps.
The man is rather young, though his eyes show how mature he truly is, the emptiness within those dark orbs showcasing a broken soul, that's what he is a broken soul. The body in his arms kept it captive. His heavy steps pounding loudly against the mudded path.
He is near. The flash of lightning illuminating his destination, a small ruined temple. He smiles, a hopeful smile, running towards the ruin. Once inside he spots an altar, the monks weren't lying after all. Gently he lays down the body. In the flash of lighting you could see how pale the skin is, how decayed the body has become, but to the man, the body before it is still the most beautiful, the only thing keeping him from ending it all.
All he has to do is a ritual and she will come back to him, in his arms alive and well. He drops his bag and rummages through it, finding all that he needs. A small vial of her blood, a trinket of hers, and the lunar tear, a small blue flower that grows abundantly in the kingdom of Eternios. A name he despises.
He looks up at the sky, he can't see the moon but if he has scheduled it correctly, tonight is the full moon. The monks told him that he has to do the ritual on a full moon when the goddess gives her blessings. He lays out the items, getting a wooden syringe, he puts half of the blood near the women's heart. He grabs her hand and puts the trinket in her hand, clenching it around the item. He lays the hand on her stomach. He picks up the flower and looks around for a second. He spots his grinder near his bag and picks it up, he inserts the flower inside and pours the rest of the blood down into the small hole, grinding them together.
A purple thick liquid comes out. He looks to the body. Cupping getting her face, he smiles softly pressing a kiss on her forehead. With his thumb, he opens her lips and pours the mixture down her throat. A flash of lighting illuminates the temple, casting dark shadows around them, one looking suspiciously like a woman. Then erupts a thunderous boom. He flinches, dropping the mixture. His heart beating fast.
Looking around the darkroom, nothing happened. He fists his hair threatening to pull it out. His breath becomes harsh, as tears rush down his face. A pitiful sob forces his way out. Then he hears it. A small rustle, turning to multiple rustling sounds, looking up he sees the body moving. She's alive. He quickly stands and runs towards the body, his face a hopeful look plastered on it, he smiles. Another flash of lighting lights his vision as he gets close. Causing him to stop. Laying before him violently twitching is not his love. The woman seems paler, her veins prominent, claws on her hands, but most importantly, her eyes a milky white. She snarls.
His hope is crushed as he falls to his knees, looking at the monster he created. In his hope to bring back his love, he has ruined her forever. Clenching his hand into a tight fist, He rips his sash from around his waist, going to the body he ties it around her wrist, a difficult task seeing as she is twitching, but manages. Tying the other end to a nearby pole. He lays a final kiss. "So long my love, I'm sorry for what I've done to you, but ill make it right," He walks away from the snarling women. Closing the temple doors and walking into the rain. "I'll get revenge for both of us, my love." He clenches a vial of purple liquid in his hand, walking down the steps, a thunderous clap echoing across the sky.

Edge of the stained petal : Hyunho
FanfictionIn the kingdom of Eternois grew a special petal that was used in all medicine, but it also had magic some say that could resurrect the dead. When a heartbroken necromancer learned of the petal and caused an apocalypse it's up to prince Hyunjin and h...