01: Role The Dice.

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Hey guys! This is my newest obsession, Critical Role! Also my first time writing anything for it so please don't judge too harshly! I hope you guys enjoy!


And honestly? It was getting really old. Like yesterday.

"Well, this is rather hilarious innit?" Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow at Naamah her dark eyes gleaming with playful amusement. "What story is behind this little mess I wonder."

Naamah scoffed lightly. "Just keep wondering than little one."

The human girl huffed in disbelief. "C'mon now Naamah, if I have to bail you out then you gotta tell me."

Leaning her shoulder against the bars of the jail, trying her best to ignore her cellmate shackled to the side wall, Naamah rolled her eyes. "Alright than. Fine I'll tell you later, can you bail us out or no love?"

Elizabeth shrugged, her dark eyes flickering over to the man slumped against the side wall, his form mostly hidden by the shadows. "And who is he again? Ya never gave me a name."

Naamah rolled her eyes. "The reason I'm in this mess."

Elizabeth's smirk had Naamah regreating her life choices. But then again maybe she had been doing that since she ran into her cellmate. Yeah. She can blame that one on him. "Ah I see. Let me go see what I can do about the jailer yeah?"

Naamah opened her mouth because the last thing she needed was Elizabeth being hunted down by law enforcement for starting a jailbreak. But the teenager was already gone.

Naamah sighed, this was bound to go well she was sure.

"That girl." Her cellmate spoke up for the first time in a while, his voice slightly scratchy from disuse. "I've heard her name before."

Turning around slowly while praying to whichever god cared to listen to please give her paitence.
Naamah narrowed her gaze, her voice hardening. "What is that supposed to mean? Elizabeth is a common name among the humans."

Percy angled his head up so their eyes could meet, exhaustion still very prominent in his face. "I mean, I've heard her name spoken by some of our friends. Why I don't know."

Naamah snapped her jaw shut tightly, her tail flicked behind her in concern. "You think they want Elizabeth for something? Like a human sacrifice?"

"Possibly. But why her specifically? If they need a human sacrifice there are plenty of other humans. They mentioned her by name, and spoke as if she were very valuable to them."

Naamah carefully knelt down in front of him and mirrored his position, her tail curling around her waist. "Well crap."

"That about sums it up."

Naamah and Percy shared a look before Naamah leaned her head back to rest against the cold stone wall. "We have to find out why they're after her."


Naamah groaned in defeat. "Yes 'we', Percival. Also, you're still injured. And just because I'm irritated with you doesn't mean I forgot you took a hit for me. So I owe you one. Are you with me or not?"


Elizabeth came through just like Naamah thought she would. Thankfully without creating a town-wide incident.

"Ya owe me one Nana," Elizabeth spoke lowly, her dark eyes reflected the full moon creepily as she turned her gaze to Percy, who was watching Elizabeth intently. "You too mister."

Naamah's tail wrapped tightly around her waist as Percy nodded out of the corner of her eye. "Elizabeth, do I want to know how you got that key?"

Elizabeth shrugged as she carefully swung the door open before stepping in, her fingers flipping through the ring of keys without looking. "Relax, I didn't do anything too illegal."

Naamah huffed but held her hands out so Elizabeth could unlock the shackles. "Thank you. I know what I was asking you to do, and I really appreciate it." She said softly.

Elizabeth lopsidedly smiled as she moved on to Percy. "We're friends Naamah. You've done some risky things for me too without askin' questions. Plus, that jailer is a creep."

Naamah rubbed her wrists gingerly as Elizabeth knelt down next to Percy slowly. "I'm going to touch your arms. Is that okay?" The teenager asked.

"Yes, thank you Elizabeth." Percy murmured, lifting his arms up.

Elizabeth flashed him a smile before gently grabbing his wrist just above the shackle and unlocked them. "There ya go, now your wrists don't look too bad." Elizabeth inspected his wrists carefully, while Naamah scoffed behind her.

"You weren't so worried about me."

Elizabeth pulled away from Percy with a small smile before standing up slowly, clearly ignoring Naamah's comment.

Naamah offered Percy her hand while eyeing the younger girl with concern. "You're sure you can handle this Eliza?"

Percy steadied himself against the wall and Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah, you guys should probably go before the jailer wakes up."

Naamah released Percy's arm but only reluctently. "You're right. Thank you again."

Elizabeth walked out while limping slightly, a bright smile still on her face. "Again, not a problem! You two be careful yeah? If you need anything else ya know where I live."

Naamah's tail fluttered up to curl around her shoulder. "We will Elizabeth."


"Was letting Elizabeth leave really the best idea?"
Percy questioned as the strange duo made their way through the small village.

Naamah glanced at him from over her shoulder. "Look, Elizabeth may have no magical abilities but she can handle herself well enough. Right now we have to find out why this cult is after her. After I clean that wound you're trying to pretend isn't bothering you."

Percy scoffed lightly from two paces behind her. "That's very perceptive of you."

The tiefling rolled her eyes good-naturally. "Thank you. Anyway, let's go find a place to keep you from falling over on me."

"I'm not going to fall over in fact I'm feeling rather well for being stabbed less then a day ago." Percy replied, and not a moment later stumbled forward into Naamah's back.

On instinct, Naamah's tail curled around his waist as she swung around to grab his arms. "I--"

"Don't say it." Percy cut her off through clentched teeth.

Naamah snickered lightly but wrapped one arm around his waist, above her tail, and started walking slow. "I told you so."

"Yes yes whatever."


Eeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm so excited about this story! Sorry if any canon characters sound a bit OOC.


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