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"Oops," Lacy says with a smug smile "sorry didn't see you there."

I bend down pick up my stuff and I keep walking...

"Hey! I said sorry. Did you not hear me!" Lacy yells down the hall at me. "You know it's rude not to accept someone's apology!" The two girls behind her, Alexa and Morgan, start to snicker.

"I forgive you." I barely whisper back.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that. Can you speak up a little? Oh yeah that's right Andrea doesn't talk." She says.

"I forgive you." I say loud enough so she can hear me.

I walk, or more or less run, into the bathroom and take deep breaths. I try to get it back to normal but it takes a minute. I fix my make-up and go back in to the hall.

I take out my phone and check the time: 8:37am.

I'm late, class started at 8:25.

I run all the way down the hall until I reach a room with a sign on the door "Mrs. Deblou-Algebra 2" is what it reads.

I walk in the room and of course the door creaks. Everyone in the room looks over at me. I look at the floor at walk to a chair in the second row.

"Mrs. Bleaton you're late." Mrs. Dublou says. I look throughout the room and recognize Lacy in the back row of desks laughing with Alexa, while twirling her curly, blond hair with her fingers.

"Mrs. Bleaton! Did you hear me?" Mrs. Deblou asks.

"Sorry, no." I reply, quietly.

"I said go get a late pass from the office." She says.

With that I'm out of the room.

From behind me I hear someone ask to use the restroom.


I turn around and see Lacy. Great.
Keep walking.

"Hey. I'm talking to you!" She whisper-yells.

"Yes." I say and at this point she ran and was right behind me.

"You should really get better make up, maybe then when you cry it won't run." She says.

That's the nicest thing she's said to to me since fifth grade...

"Thanks." I whisper and walk a little faster.

I feel something on my arm and and in seconds I'm up against the lockers with Lacy in my face.

"Did I say you could walk away!" She says in a really rude tone.


"Thought so. Now.." She say looking me from head to toe, "why are you wearing such a long skirt, didn't feel like looking the part today."

I don't answer.

"Fine, don't answer." then she rips a hole in my skirt

"Better." She says.

I run away down the hall and into the office.

"Oh dear," the lady at the desk says, I've been in here enough through out the years that I found her name to be Karen, "what happened!"

"I fell and ripped my skirt, do you think you have something I could change into?"

She looks at the hole with a skeptical look and looks back at my face with a frown. "I can take a look in the lost and found but I can't promise anything."

We walk toward the back room and she unlocks the door and turns on the light.  "It's really too bad that you ripped your skirt, it's so nice."

" does." I say looking at the hole.

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