Chapter one :feelings

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Hey guys!this is my first time writing on wattpad .I hope you enjoy this .the first chapter may seem boring but I hope you will try and move with me as I get better.thanks😊



The thought of love make me happy,but it also makes me sad,makes me feel warm but also fills me with coldness,its makes me confident and scared at the same time.

        I go by the name Brittney .I'm sixteen years old and in a highschool that can't be more dramatic.I am tall,half African American so my skin color is light Ebony.I am not so tall but I have curves that are very noticeable.I have brown eyes and curly hair that reaches my mid back.I guess that's all there is to know about me for now.

         I got too viraj high school in California and not a day goes by without something interesting happening.                                                                   But that's usually for other people,I just watch. My life is quite plain and simple ,wake up got to school,learn,eat sleep and repeat .but who knows maybe this year may be different .I am exactly one year away from my senior year .

    I have a group of friends and we are just four. Three lovely girls and one gentleman.we have been friends for decades. You know those type of friends that you took showers with and had play dates ,that was us.

     Alicia, Brittney , Cearra,Dan .funny how our names go ABCD but anyways ,I guess it was fate. Alicia and Cearra both had boyfriends and Dan,well,he was dating my sister .I was the odd one is the group. You know the one who doesn't belong,yap that's me. I had been in a relationship once but he cheated then before I had the chance to confront him ,he dumped me. Pretty messed up right?

    To be honest ,I feel like the only reason I'm still in this group is because we grew up together and they couldn't throw me out and also because our parents are close. But don't get me wrong my friends love me and I love them, its just that I don't FIT in ! I try but I just don't.                       
      I get very good grades though ,I hold on to that. I also have great sense of humor that I use to hide all my pain and sorrow that always nags me telling me sometwhere in the back of my mind that I don't fit in.

     I have a feeling that something good is about to happen but I feel that every beginning of the year and nothing changes but maybe this could be it .

   I see Cearra's car pull up by my drive way and I am pulled from my thoughts when she yells my name telling me to hurry up. I quickly grab an apple and my lunch and kiss my mom goodbye before I leave .my sister already left with her boyfriend aka my best friend ,Dan.

    Here I go. Wish me luck cause I'm gonna need it.

Hey ,it was quite short but I hope you enjoy,please feel free to comment and tell me ways I could improve on my writing .I hope to get better with time. Thank you for reading .


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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