Chapter 4

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Sarada & boruto are currently walking to the uzumaki residence having a nice young talk ...

"Oii sarada in the past few years have you had a boyfriend or even wanted to try out dating " boruto asked with his hands behind his head

" I don't or didn't have time for any relationship I was just working hard training hard and making sure I accomplish my dream of becoming hokage " sarada said proudly " what about you boruto "

" me of course I didn't I wasn't just gonna date some girl for like I don't know a few days becouse me and uncle were always travelling so if I did date anyone I couldn't bring her so there was no point but is there anyone that wants to start a relationship among our friends " he asked with a straight face....

" there is actually two ( but it's hima and
ino Jin I can't tell him I don't know how he will react since he's been back he's been all serious and over protective type ) "

" Oi sarada Oi sarada ' boruto said looking at sarada "

" huh huh ohh gomen " sarada said

" so who are these two "

" your just gonna have to wait and see By the way look your house is coming into view " she said pointing ' hn

          The uzumaki house hold

" Hima darling , kawaki dinner is about to be ready make sure you wash your guys hands " a beautiful mum said "

" Hai I'll be right down I'm just texting some one ( ino Jin ) " okay I'm just changing my cloths I'll be down in a minute Hinata-sama " kawaki said....

Btw I made hima & ino Jin two years apart...

* knock *

*knock *

*knock *

" I'll get it youse two just come down now dinner is severed and I prepared a lot " yelled Hinata

Boruto POV

"Well let's just open the gate and knock on the door cmon boruto "

" Hn " he replied

Sarada starts knocking on the door ...
They heard Hinata yell And foot steps down the stairs

3rd person POV

As she walks to the door with two others behind her coming down the stairs she takes of her apron and places it on the railing on stairs nearby and when she opens it she was breathless

The door was swang open

" Oh hey sarada what are you doing here and who- She stopped in her tracks...

" Hey mum long time no s- he was cut of by an warmly embrace

" B-boruto is that really you " Hinata said clutching on to boruto "

" yes mum it's me boru- he was cut of again by someone tackling them in to a group hug "

" himawari woah you've gotten quite big huh "

" onii-chan it's onii-chan " ' yes himawari it's me ' well well well if it isn't boruto " kawaki said walking up to boruto for a hand shake "

" they release there beautiful family hug "

" kawaki long time no see man " they handshake "

Sarada's POV

For the time being he's been back he's finally smiling boruto really knows how to smile a...reall smile'

" acho" sarada excuse herself from the awkward situation

" Sarada oh sorry cmon inside yous two I have dinner ready I've made a lot " Hinata said

" Oh it's okay aunt hina I don't want to ruin this family moment "

" nonsense nonsense yous two look like yous had a long day I want yous to fill your belly's " Hinata said

Sarada mind : to be honest I'm quite hungry

" yea cmon sarada it won't hurt right now I'm the happiest I've been in awhile "

Sarada then looked at boruto seeing his smile then back at Hinata & hima "

" well if yous don't really mind then I'll stay " sarada said smiling

" Well cmon let's all go in side shall we "

At the dinner table

Boruto is sitting next to his mother , his mother is sitting next to kawaki , kawaki is sitting next to hima , hima is sitting next to sarada and sarada is sitting next to boruto

They all are enjoying there food right now becouse for all of them home mad food is the best even when it's Hinata cooking....

" So boruto honey how was it you know on your journey I assume you were behaving and listening to your uncle and not dating anyone "

" no mama I was not dating anyone and I was behaving and I'm not lying around the start of our journey it was rough but the more I got use to it the easier it was to understand we traveled from village to village we tried out different food meet other people a such uncle showed me things about my eye helped me understand my karma abit but overall I thankful I got to go it was good "

" well I'm happy for you son "

Hima's phone keeps buzzing from time to time

" darling turn your phone off it's dinner time "

" sorry mum "

" so onii-chan you have grown you have a cool scar on your right eye and I bet your strong as too I'm so happy to se you onii-Cham " hima said

" I'm happy to see you too hima all of yous to be exact I really missed you guys but I got used to not having yous around "

" well you do look happy boruto " kawaki said

Sarada was just smiling the whole way through dinner she was happy that this is what a real family is and happy to see him

Baka boruto " she thought while smiling

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