• Chapter 8 •

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[Note: this is a very short chapter]

• Youngjo •
Flashback to after school
"What did he say hyung? Is he coming outside already" Dongju worriedly asked "Yeah I'm expecting him to be attending this dinner with us since he promised" Seoho said "You guys let's just go ahead, he said he can't come because the principal gave him a task" I said and saw their sad faces

"I wonder when will Hwanwoong ever stop being so busy, sometimes I wish he was just not elected as the school's president" Geonhak said "Yeah he even barely spends time with us cause of his 'duties' those boring teachers give him" Dongju said

"Yah Dongju don't be so furious about it, we know you want to spend time with your crush and show him your GREATEST LOVE for him but we should understand that he's busy too" Keonhee stated and we just laughed it out and went to dinner at 'UTOPIA RESTAURANT'

"Oh hello guys! How are you all doing tonight?" I heard Seonghwa say as he approached us, he's my cousin by the way "Hello Seonghwa Hyung! We're doing fine, how about you?" Keonhee said "I'm doing good, where's hwanwoong?" he asked "He's busy with school works Seonghwa-ssi how about you take a seat for a while? Or maybe eat dinner with us?" Seoho said which Seonghwa agreed

While we were eating dinner my phone rang "Excuse me guys I have to take this call" I said and excused myself from the fancy table

"H-hyung hel- YOU SHIT HEAD HWANWOONG! GET OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ROOM RIGHT NOW OR I WILL--"  the call ended and I was scared of what I just heard, who was that?
I sounds like his dad or uncle.

"Guys Hwanwoong called me" I said and they looked at me with excitement "Is he coming here?" I hearf Dongju say "No he called me clearly asking for help and someone shouting and banging on the door shouting unpleasant words" I explained "oh shit" I saw Keonhee's worried expression as he directly stood up and swiftly left

"Guys I think we need to help president out" Hongjoong said, Yes Hongjoong. Seonghwa and his group became our close friends some from different universities and some from the same as ours "Yeah that's right we should follow Keonhee to Hwanwoong's house" Wooyoung said

"Then what are you guys waiting for?! Let's go already!" a clearly angry Dongju stated as we went out and followed Keonhee on his way to Hwanwoong's home

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