💤|• What does Mr.Aizawa think of you?•|💤

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🔥|• Aries •|🔥
There to chaotic and wild but there a good student....I guess.....

🌍|• Taurus •|🌍
They are a good student but they eat in my class to much so they don't pay attention to me a lot....

💨|• Gemini •|💨
It hard for them to pay attention since they have a blind eye and they can be a troublemaker but they are really smart....

💧|• Cancer •|💧
They are shy when you meet them but there kind and smart....

🔥|• Leo •|🔥
They act just like Aoyama but there cool I guess?....

🌍|• Virgo •|🌍
They are SMARTER then everyone in the class like momo....

💨|• Libra •|💨
They always stay out of trouble I like them!

💧|• Scorpio •|💧
There rude and quiet when you first met them but they are fun and cool too....

🔥|• Sagittarius •|🔥
There too wild and crazy.....

🌍|• Capricorn •|🌍
Just like Virgo there are smart like momo....

💨|• Aquarius •|💨
There quiet and barley talk to anyone when you meet them but they are kind, fun, smart, and calm when you get to know them more I like that about them...

💧|• Pisces •|💧
They are sweet, kind, smart, chill, etc and a bean who need to be protected by this world......

|• Anyways this is Author-Chan signing off! •|

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