Chapter Four

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WARNING: This chapter contains violence, child neglect and sexual assault. It may trigger some people. Some of this is my own personal life experience. I find it helpful to write about it, if anyone has experienced a similar crisis and needs to talk, I'm here.

Nadia's POV
"My Mother was a heroin addict. When I was 9 she abandoned me in our apartment, I was on my own for over a week before my grandmother called and I was able to tell her what happened. That was the first time I came to England to live with her. Then 3 years later my mother resurfaced she was on probation so she had to stay because of mandatory drug tests. She demanded my grandmother sent me back and threatened to have her arrested if she kept me. So I went back to the states and my mother had quit drugs but started to drink. She got away with because alcohol only stays in the system for 48 hours....."
Why am I telling him this? I've never told anyone this before but it feels good to finally talk about it.
Jimmy puts his arm round me and says "take as long as you need, I know this must be hard." I sigh and continue.
"Then when I was 15 she got off probation and went right back to dope. I hated living there but there was nothing I could do. So I spent most of my time at friend's house. One night I met one of her brother's friends, Mike.
He was 24 and seemed so sweet. Before long I was living with him, my mom was too high to care..." I start to sob.

This why I don't about it because I go right back there in my mind. I'm 15 again. Mike's drunk and he's beating me. I can almost feel the blows. Jimmy pulls me closer, somehow I end up in his lap. His arms are wrapped around me.

"You don't have to finish. Shhhhh....i'll just hold you until you feel better okay?" he whisper into my ear.

After a few minutes I compose myself and say "I have to finish, I need to tell someone. No one knows, not even my grandmother." Jimmy tightens his grasp around me.
"Go on...its okay." He says softly. I rest my head on his shoulder and gather my strength.

"Mike would occasionally hit but he always had some excuse usually he was drunk or he would make me believe it was my fault. Then my OD'ed when I was 16. After that he knew he has absolute control. The beatings became daily and he was always drunk. I wasn't allowed to leave the house and i had to go to cyber school. One day I ran and went to a women's shelter in the next town. I was there for about a month then he found me....." I start to hyperventilate, jimmy pulls me in to his chest. "He..... pulled.... me into a van....... and he and his friends.......... raped me." I manage to get it all out between sobs.

Jimmy's POV
I can't believe someone could do something so evil to someone so sweet and innocent. I hold her tight while she sobs.

"Get it all out. Your safe here with me." I whisper.

She's gone through so much in her short life yet she carries herself with such confidence and is so pleasant. She's such a strong girl. I feel an overwhelming need to take care of her. After about 20 minutes she calms down and thanks me for listening.

"It seems like you need something stronger then tea, my dear." I say sympathetically. She almost jumps off my lap and smiles sheepishly.

She looks embarrassed. I smile to myself as I get up and grab a bottle of scotch from the cabinet. I pour her a glass and she knocks it back and asks for another. She sips this one and I set back down beside her. I pat my lap, she looks at me for a moment and then crawl back in to my lap and curls up against my chest like a lost kitten. It reminds me how young she is. Just 18. That magical stages where's she no longer a girl but not quite a women either.

She finishes her second scotch and reaches for her third I smile as she effortless drinks it down. Her eyelids are getting heavy; she snuggles closer to my chest. She's obviously drunk.

"it's's... your turn to tell your story isn't it?" she slurs.
I look up at the clock it's almost 5 am. "Yes. I guess it is but I think we should get you to bed." I chuckle.

"Okay. Sounds......goooood" she says with a drunken pur.

She stands up and wobbles a bit; I put my hands on her waist, to steady her. I lead her upstairs and when we reach the guest bedroom she looks into my eyes.

"Jimmy, I don't wanna be alone. Can I sleep with you tonight?" she says in her sweet little girl voice.

I smile and nod. I lead her down the hall to my room. She sits on the bed and take off her shoes.

"I'll go get you some night....." Before I can finish the sentence she's down to her bra panties.

I laugh to myself and grab some night clothes from the drawer. I head to the masterbath to change. As I look back see her bare bum, she's completely nude, she's crawling under the duvet.

I decided to forgo the t-shirt and just wear a pair of silky boxers. When I return Nadia is underneath the covers. She looks so comfortable. A smile is spread across her lips, her eyes are closed. As I approach the bed she turns on her side to face me, propping her head up on head. When I pull up the duvet to get in to bed, I'm awestruck. I see her perky, rounded full breasts. Her body has pronounced curves, a small waist fans out to wide hips. She has a slight hit of a belly and full thighs. It was quite site to see.

I notice she is blushing as my gaze returns to her face. I lay down and she closes the space between us. She snuggles into me pushing her breast up against my bare chest. I feel my body tense with arousal almost instantly. I wrap my arm around her and pull her tight against me. I know she can feel my arousal against her thigh. She looks up at me, eyes half open, lips slightly parted. I press my lips to hers in an intense passionate kiss. As we kiss, I grind my erect cock against her soft thighs.

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