Chapter 1, The Night it happened,

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A/N: Bnha/Mha Halloween Au, here we go-

Halloween special?

-Mentions of blood


It was Halloween when every adult disappeared. Every house, jail, store and asylum was open. Then the whispering began, little voices in everyone's ears, no two people hearing the same thing...

Dressed up to trick or treat they stepped out of the house. It was cold even for the end of October, as if all the heat had been drained away into the earth. Thinking nothing of it and chattering excitably everyone made their way down the sidewalk. When one lamppost went out they hardly noticed. Two blinked out, then three, until the only light in the entire street was the gentle yellow flicker from within the garish jack-o-lanterns. Forgetting about candy entirely they stood with bemused expressions, glancing at one another, waiting to be let in on the joke. Then feeling their feet to be hot they began to collapse one by one, they cried out in terror and those who hadn't yet fallen attempted to for their houses..

But with violent speed the air around them became colder than ice. Their muscles froze, crumpling them to the concrete.

That's when the reality began to peel away, the sky lighting up with a grim orange glow as the world began to change right before everyone's eyes, the kids whining and clinging to the closest teen alongside them not understanding what was happening.

The streetlights flickering as a rumble below the earth erupted, screams and shouts filled the streets before everything set into place..

A soft purple mist flooded through the streets and into buildings through open windows, surrounding each child and teen until they had all soon fallen to the ground, taking their time to push themselves back up once more.

Yuga Aoyama slowly awoke, purple glimmering eyes glancing around the street as he saw a few other people nearby pushing themselves up, sighing as he shakily stood, stumbling slightly, falling back, squeaking softly as he held out his hands to stop himself from falling just for him to return to his upright position from before, quickly looking around though seeing no explanation until he looked down.
Soft pink twinkles sparked around his hands as his eyes widened, before quickly spinning around as he heard a child's squeal from down the street.

He quickly ran over, his cape flying through the air as he did so, the soft purple fabric dancing in the small breeze as he soon knelt down in front of the quivering child, the young girl sat on the path, white cloth pooled around her as he light grey hair stood out, small whimpers being heard from her as she heistantly raised her head.


Yuga softly nodded, glancing around though seeing no adult in sight though a mess of purple hair peeping out from beneath a bush as he gulped.
"That's right.. can you tell me your name chèrie?"
The younger shyly nodded, sitting up as her outfit became clear now, a messily drawn face of a sort of pumpkin like face on top of white cloth peeping over her hair. A ghost. A homemade outfit no doubt.

Plus.. it explained her partially transparent body, her ghostly finger tips shyly being held up in attempt to hold his hand as Yuga gently offered his own just to feel a soft chill course up his spine as her hand ghosted right through his skin.


"Okay.. can you tell me how old you are darling?" He checked, not entirely sure as he heard the soft rustling from the bush, guessing the purple haired person was slowly awaking.
"I um.. e-eight.." Eri gulped anxiously, soon spotting her brother sit up with a groan, rubbing at the side of his head just to pull his hand away, grimacing at the feeling of the crimson red blood meeting his skin as he glanced at it.

He must have hit it when he fell..

Aoyama thought as he offered his hand to the violette just for the teen to grumble, begrudgingly taking it as he stood, glancing around delirously before his eyes met Eri's as he dryly gulped.
"Eri! Eri.. what happened..-"

"I.. she's.. she's a ghost.." Yuga mumbled quietly just to gain a confused glare before it slowly softened as the violette realised he wasn't lying.
"I.. w-what?! That's impossible! W-where's dad-"
Aoyama sighed softly, shaking his head as Shinsou attempted to hug Eri though it not working as he anxiously pulled away, hugging himself tightly.
"Sorry mon ami.. They're gone.. every.. every adult, no one.. I haven't seen many people but.. they disappeared.."

Shinsou glared at him, shaking his head quickly as he was obviously panicking or on the route to panicking anyway.
"No! No- they have to be here somewhere.. t-they have to.. I can't.. I, c-can't take care of Eri by myself-!"

"I.. M'sorry..  I can't say much.. I don't know anything I just woke up not too long ago.. also, you might want to check your hair and.. well, your back.."
He mumbled quietly just to see Shinsou reach up, feeling the soft fur of his newly found cat ears as he flinched his hands away as he purred softly.
"I.. w-what?!"
He turned around, eyes catching a glimpse of the cat tail waving behind him as he shook his head quickly, going to rub his eyes just to feel the tickle of his whiskers brushing against his hands.

Yuga giggled softly, watching him find out what he well.. was now as he glanced around, eyes searching the streets for anyone else nearby.

The last filters of the daylight wisping off as the street lamps turned on one by one, the dull light of the pumpkins on everyone's lawn lighting up the gardens, the same routine everyone had gotten used to, the soft howls from some unseen werewolves being heard from the distance as the full moon came into view.
The soft click of a teen's heeled shoes on tarmac was heard as Yuga spotted a person standing in the middle of the road, having stepped outside, a plague mask on and a Crow perching upon his shoulder as he slowly began to walk towards them, cane in hand.

Should I..  be scared..?

He gulped, nervously glancing down at Eri beside him who seemed to be occupied trying to calm down her brother as he sighed looking back at the Plague doctor who was getting closer by the second.

Soon enough the other stopped a few strides in front of him, struggling before managing to pull off the beaked mask as the boy beneath looked at him, tired and darkened eyes meeting his, eyesockets looking as if they were hollowed, along with his cheeks, skin so milky and pale he looked like the dead.

That's when it hit him.

He knew that voice.

He knew the dark whispy hair ghostly tracing over the boy's hollowed out cheek bones also.

Tokoyami Fumicage..

"I.. I.. F-Fumi!" He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around him, hugging the taller tightly as the more.. 'dead' looking one weakly smiled, flashing his teeth, though them seeming more human like than his skeletal frame.
"I missed you.. i missed you! I-"

The other sighed, kissing his forehead softly in a protective manner as he rubbed his back, silencing Aoyama.
"I missed you too.. now.. we have to go, there's many others that need our help-"



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