Chapter 2, The encountering

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My motivation is so low, I'm trying my best..

Sorry for the short chapter.


It only became clear that over time some of those.. changes were eased into, hell.. some people managed and found it way better to be what they are now instead of what they were before.
Aoyama learned this as he stalked the streets along side the plague doctor who had pulled his mask on and stalked beside him, cane and shoes clicking against the tarmac in the process.

None of the two dared to speak, Eri had managed to calm down her brother and the violette had slowly come into understanding of his situation and his responsibilities that he needed to face. And the fact that Eri was now his.. well, responsibly and he was her parental figure..

Anyway- from the various creatures and monsters clambering by Aoyama managed to figure out most with Tokoyami's help. The blonde werewolf trudging boy, snarling at them as he barged past, chained leash being pulled along by a red head who said his welcomes to them despite the fact he or well..

Kirishima couldn't recognise them at first, but anyway, he soon scurried past, Bakugou being tugged along in the process as he growled, baring his teeth at them.

Though the sight of a taller male not too far away sat upon the roof of a front porch, the house more than likely being his or a friends before he had well.. become the monster he was now.

The skeleton boy sat high up, legs dangling down and his now oversized clothing pooling around his skeletal figure and body.
He smirked, obviously taking his newly found form as an advantage, pulling off his head and spinning it softly in his hand.

"-and since I am dead-
I can take off my head!
To recite Shakespearean quotations,
No animal nor man-
Can scream like I can,
With the fury of my recitations-!"

The words cut out as Aoyama shuddered, passing by as Tokoyami walked alongside him, ignoring the boy's words, though doubting he could get down in one piece without falling into a clump of bones. And they both doubted that the guy knew how a body actually worked or where which bone went where.

A vampire they paused to glance at looked so bored. He raised his heavy lids and stared at me through pink eyes. With the paper-white hand that rested on the damp bench, he flicked off some debris from the yew tree above.

He glanced at the newly cleaned spot, then patted it. This was the stuff of Yuga's childhood nightmares but his heart still pounded it's usual rhythm, apparently he wasn't scared.

Though feeling it drop as a green haired ghost softly sat beside the candy cane haired vampire his aroma was heady, it wasn't like raw meat or festering flesh, but instead it was like a summer garden, as if he lay in a bed of petals each night.

In the hand of the vampire was a piece of paper, neatly folded, with writing that was like the script on old scrolls. His hand jabbed the parchment in the ghost's direction. With untrembling hands he took it and almost laughed at what it said. It was a shopping list or something along those lines.

Apparently the ghost's vampire had a sweet tooth. Then he took out a syringe and gently inserted it into the ghost's vein which didn'twork at first before it successfully did so, drawing out a few cc's.

He gargled it and let some dribble down his waxy pale chin. "For appearances," he muttered, having already something in mind.

Tokoyami shrugged it off, continuing onwards, though soon stopping as Yuga slammed into his back, flinching upon impact, as he quickly apologised, the plague doctor easily shrugging it off, pointing his cane towards a house as he hummed lightly.

"In there."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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