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I so longed for the days when all my cousin, Jasper, and I had to worry about were school and sports and who got the remote for the television. Now him and I were sprinting through the woods from The Walking Dead.

"Stop." Jasper breathed heavily and coughed into his sleeve as he slowed, "We lost them."

I nodded, struggling to catch my own breath. Still in the middle of the woods, our surroundings consisted of trees and bushes without a clearing in sight. As we contemplated our next move, I thought of something.

"Trees." I said hoarsely, still unable to get a sufficient amount of air into my lungs. I recalled the summer before The Turn when my father built me a treehouse. I then grew sad, for the topic of my parents was a sensitive one.

"Trees?" Jasper repeated. "You can't mean to sleep in." he looked up at the tall pines, shuddering.

"I know you don't like heights," I started, regaining my voice, "but we won't make it to town by sundown." Pulling the small backpack off my shoulders, I reached inside. It didn't have much, only consisting of a knife, a bottle of water, half of a granola bar, rope, and a gun.

I pulled out the rope and handed it to Jasper. I scanned the trees and picked the one with the most branches.

As we got settled high up in the branches, I tied the rope around my waist.

I watched as the herd of infected hobbled below us.

"Goodnight." I whispered before dozing into a restless sleep.

Little did I know, the next day would change my life forever.
I arose with a flinch, though I was never truly sleeping. My eyes bolted back and forth and my stomach did flips. My fingers struggled to pick at the knot of the rope around my small waist.

"No, no, no." I whimpered. I had to get this off of me.

Jasper jointed awake, slowly becoming aware of my outburst.

"Luna? Hey, hey hey, what's wrong?" He grabbed my struggling hands and snapped me out of my daze.

I froze and contemplated my previous actions.

What was I just doing?

Why do I feel like I'm in danger?

Most importantly,
why does this always happen?

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, I just wanted this story to be up a couple weeks so more people could see it😊 hope you enjoyed this kind of short chapter and cliffhanger! Don't forget to share, comment, vote and all that fun stuff🌚💜

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