Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The next morning I woke, with inspiration pouring out my ears. My fingers itched to paint. The feeling was indescribable, the way that my brush just found the canvas and the colors bloomed before me. All the while, I hummed a song that I didn't remember hearing before.

When I was done it was exactly what I was feeling. Just floating, mysterious and melodic. If a painting could display all those things this one did. Even though I was finished, I couldn't shake the song, it seemed to have fueled the very painting itself. Yet, try as I might not a single lyric would surface. I chalked it up to a faulty memory, and crashed back into bed with no intentions of getting up anytime soon.

My mother's voice interrupted my lazy morning. "Blythe...Blythe...BLYTHE,"

"WHAT?!" I yelled throwing my covers back and walking huffily to my door. Trudging down the stairs into the kitchen I watched as my mother was making breakfast. Wait, scratch that. Looking at the clock it read 12:30. Ok mom was making lunch.

"There you are. I thought you had died." mom commented as she put the quesadilla she had just finished making onto a plate for me. "no, although I believe I made a valiant effort." I searched the fridge for ranch dressing. "If your looking for the ranch it already on the counter."

"Thank you," Sitting I enjoyed the cheesy goodness that is this Mexican dish. Granted ours is just cheese on a tortilla, but still. It's times like this when I realize just how much I love my mom.

"So I was talking with Mary this morning," she began after finishing the dishes. "uh-huh," I hedged cautiously. What was she getting at? "I've invited their family over for dinner tonight."

"Oh, is that all? You had me worried." I was chill itself. Making up an excuse to get up to my room, I calmly went up stairs. Where I began to hyperventilate.

"I don't know why I'm freaking out," I reasoned out loud. "I can handle this. Dane's family is just going to eat dinner maybe play some games and leave." Looking in the mirror I gave myself a pep talk. "Yeah, you can do that, just because you totally ogled him and embarrassed yourself like an idiot in front of him doesn't mean you can't have a totally normal conversation with him." Not even my reflection believed me.

The moment the door rang my mother reminded us, "Remember as far as everyone knows. We are a nice normal family."

"You got that off Pinterest." I accused while I straightened my clothes, making sure I hadn't forgotten pants. You know, the important stuff. "doesn't make the sentiment any less true." she pointed at me. Who me? I mouthed. She shook her head at me and nodded to my father to open the door.

"Charles," my father greeted Dane's dad. "Mary," My mother his mother. Leaving me to greet their children. Dane smirked at me. I doubled checked. Yep I was wearing pants. What was with the smirk? The little blonde version of her brother stepped forward.

"Are you checking out my brother?" Say what? My gaze found hers, she was chewing and popping her gum like a valley girl. She was wearing a pink Justin Bieber T-shirt, and black jeggings. I don't generally instantly dislike people. But she was flipping my witch with a capital B switch. I used all my southern manners to keep from smacking her. It was a near thing. "Of coarse not, sweetie." Throwing sweetie in there instantly makes anything nicer. It's like saying an insult. Then adding 'bless your heart'.

Looking me up and down she replied with contempt, "Yeah, well you wouldn't have a chance anyway." I felt my eye twitch with the effort it took not to drop kick her. Making a tsking sound I turned to Dane with a tight smile, "Real charmer you got there."

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