ice skating

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Mc- McGee

(Mg well look at that the lake is frozen you know what that means!!! Ice skating
(Gr mcgee are you sure what if it's not thick enough ?(sq you guys look (mc oh no buttsquat and suzie what do you guys want?! (Jo just showing what you botten losers are missing out on (mc whatever were going ice skating.(mc,gr,sq, all went to put on there shoes when like got on the ice they could see suzie and buttsquat trying to ice skate and saw buttsquat failing horrible )
(Mc to be honest it was kind of cute what the hell am I thick)(mc yo guys I'm going towards the middle any chance you guys want to go to. (No thacks both of them said) (mc ok) (jo me and suzie trying to skate I fainl got the hang on this I look over and see McGee trying to get to the middle mmm maybe i could impress him I know I know why would you want to impress him well I kind of like him he was not like other people he's the kind of guy that can turn any sad thing into a clown show I slowly made my way were mcgee was and circle around him( what do you want buttsquat McGee said in a funny way trying not to fall face first (jo just waiting for you to fall I saw mcgees face turn to a red color (Mc I will not fall buttsquat)(jo whatever I look down and saw that the ice was cracking right under him MCGEE DO NOT MOVE ! ( mc why and why are you yelling?!?I look down to see that the ice under me was breaking (Gr I went too see what suzie was doing not even I few seconds later me and her were fighting)(su WAIT do you hear that) we look over and see in the middle of the lake where mcgee was the ice under him was breaking right under him (suizie and gretchen skatin right over to him as fast as they could. ( jo just stay still I saw squirt skating towards us with rope in his hand he threw it toward mcgee grabbed the rope(squirt pulled mcgee toward him that's when the ice broke underneath McGee(jo SHIT suzie and gretchen go find help!!! I stay near to see if mcgee can make his way back it's been three minutes I'm going in!!!!(buttsquat jumped Into the water fuck fuck fuck its cold where are you!!!THERE. He swam right to him grabbed him by the shoulders and swam to the surface. (He look at McGee and saw his face is white like a vampire he got McGee out then him he checked if there was a pulse he found a little heart beat he just sat there and looked at mcgee ( jo y-you u-up y-yup I-im h-h-here,( that's when Sawyer and a few different counselors they ran right too us putting blankets and taking us to the infirmary I stood near the fire with new clothes on waiting for McGee to wake up .(mc oww my head is killing me I look up to see buttsquat staring at the fire. I got up and slowly walked to him I guess he didn't notice me because when he turned around he jumped back a few feet .(jo oh its just you soo how are you feeling (mc good why ?)(jo you seriously don't know the ice broke under you.( mc oh now I remember thacks for saving me is there any why I could repay you ?(jo this is your chance. Well yes there is a kiss can do.(mc o-oh ok.(walks up to buttsquat and kisses him on the lips and backs away . S-so why did you want that? (Jo because. Walks up to mcgee I love you.

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