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Scene:  camp lakebottem, dark,midnight

McGee: I was sleeping when a loud scream busted through the window,I threw myself over my bed,I look over to see Gretchen wavering it off saying go back to bed, I slowly walk to the front door put my jacket on and open the door slowly closes it ,I turn back around and listen, I can hear  soft crying coming  from the forest, I slowly walk towards the crying,I walked a few minutes before I saw ..... ,(Jordan).. I backed up Jordan lifts his head from the girls neck,blood spews for her neck ,Jordan let's go of her, their body fell to the ground,(Jordan:looks straight at me,he's blood hungry)i book it straight back to camp , (vampire powers include:super speed , mind control,) (keep in mind that Jordan loves McGee) Jordan speeds run to McGee pulling his shoulder down and bites down on his neck,McGee let' out bloody scream ) Jordan pulls himself off of McGee , Jordan's heart sinks as McGees body falls,it hits the floor, (Jordan:oh god McGee wake up... WAKE UP) Jordan falls to the ground crawling to McGee he pushes McGee over checking for any life,he found a small pulses,(snap!) (Jordan: I look up to swayed,armon,rosebud,Gretchen, squirt, they had a first aid kit if there was a god it was standing right in front of him ) (skip time Im really lazy)( McGee: ugh my head....where am I , I slowly look up to see Jordan tied down to a chair with chains )(Jordan: I lay my head down and wait it's been almost 6ish hours my head is starting to frizz up blood..all I want is blood ,the sun will be up soon and this nightmare will be over ,all of a sudden I hear McGees voice Ugh my head.... Where am I, I don't dare raise my head I can't imagine what he thinks of me(McGee: Jordan.... Care to examine this ,points to neck)(Jordan: Do.... I have to)(McGee: yes )(Jordan:we'll Sence you already know I'm a you know vampire so is my dad,my mother was a witch it kind of runs in the family ? You probably have a lot of questions??) (McGee:well du well first cant you control it, does suzi know your a vampire, and why were you drinking blood form that poor girl???)(Jordan: we'll yes but I haven't had a taste of blood in a while so I'm starving,yes suzi knows , and she was my future wife well was ,a vampire must get married to someone by there 18 birthday and we'll I haven't we'll you know fell in love yet with anyone,some what. Anymore questions?)(McGee:nope)(Jordan looks up at McGee and stares at mcgees neck)(McGee: uhhhhh still hungry I'm guessing)(Jordan:deadly I'm sooooo hugray) (McGee:if you can keep your self from eating me you could drink a bit?)jordan slowly stares McGee down before notted his head,McGee got up and walked over to Jordan and on do the chains they fell to the floor as Jordan stands up McGee turned his head so Jordan could take a bite, Jordan leaned down and pit McGees neck drinking blood for a few moments and licked up the remaining blood, ahh~ Jordan stoped and stood there for a second had he just heard McGee moan,(McGee: h-how about we pretend that never happened)(Jordan:but oh I think it did,, McGee~ do you like that )(McGee stood there in shock d-did Jordan just flirt with McGee(McGee:don't get so flirty with me now you haven't even took me out on a date yet,(Jordan:how about I change that?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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