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levi x beast titan

(i have no fucking idea on how
i should write this)
(or why im writing it)
(its probably bc im bored with my
levi x reader one-shots)
(oh yeah, pls read that lol)
(also dw this is a troll
fanfic that im using to
improve my writing lol)


levi sat on his bed with his head in his hands. whimpers and sobs racked his body as he cried for the ones he had lost. thankfully, however, he hadnt lost the one he truly loved in secret.

beast titan.

beast titan, with his gnarly cock and strong arms, who pelted the walls with rock upon rock, slaughtering so many who were fighting for freedom. the same titan somehow won his heart, even after slaughtering his first lover, Erwin Smith (who also had an extremely large cock). maybe levi just has a fetish for large cocks. who knows.

levi knew he should see the beast titan as an enemy, but he simply could not help but find his matted brown fur and disgusting yellow teeth attractive, even though is should repulse him. beast titans large cock, and the fact that zeke was inside of the beast titan, did not help his cause.

again, levi could have a fetish for large cocks, since it is rumored his own cock is pretty small (author doesnt believe this for they wish levi would rail them until their legs stopped working and until his cum spilled from every pore in their body. thats for another time tho. levi big strong cock). the world may never know.

levi was busy being disgusted by himself for falling for such a creature. beast titan wasnt even human. he was falling for a huge beast (did i mention he also has a BIG FUCKING SCHLONG LIKE WOAH) who had slaughtered so many of levis comrades.

levi was alone. maybe thats why he found beast titan so attractive. maybe its because Hange/Hanji, levis second lover, had left him too early. maybe its because beast titans extremely hot nose and small, beady eyes that pierced into his soul would simply draw levi in and make him want to get destroyed by the beast titans humongous glizzy.

did i mention beast titans huge cock? no? well, his cock is huge.

levis pussy lips throbbed at the idea of having beast titans large, girthy cock inside of him, slamming into his very being. impregnating him with his salty semen.

levi wanted to marry beast titan, to bear his children in a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. he wanted to feel beast titan inside of him nightly, to shudder at the large amounts of pleasure radiating through his body. levi wanted beast titan so bad that saying his name aloud caused levi to get massively turned on.

when he says beasts titan, he doesnt mean zeke. nonono, he literally means beast titan. not in human form. zeke has THE smallest cock in aot, smaller than floch, even.

levi wanted, no, levi needed beast titan. this is why he went out and looked for him.

and so began levi ackermans journey to find the beast titan and get railed super fucking hard, so much so that his fragile wenis popped of his body.


first part end

lol sorry u clicked on this story, but thank you for reading. im not kidding about what i said in the beginning. im writing this for anitwt and to improve my own writing.

nothing that i write in this is serious even though it seems that way, im actually trying to grow my 'career' as a writer and become serious about it. something that didnt come across in my beast titan x reader x ryuk fanfic. although, that will forever and always be my favorite.

anyway, vote, comment, and follow. part two will be up by oct. 16th, maybe 17th since im drowning in schoolwork ;-;

almost 2 years later and nothing has changed, published!!!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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