[entry] sweet lust

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contest: SEEFEUER, graphic contest by eggyeuls

contest: SEEFEUER, graphic contest by eggyeuls

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album title : sweet lust the first mini album

artist: Alice 


1. the fifth sense

2. eye candy

3. sweet lust

4. the devil's honey 

5. coffee & milk


I choose Irene from Red Velvet and re-named her as "Alice" in her EP titled "sweet lust." The concept may look cute and lively, but it also contains sensual innuendos. Majority of couples are sweet with one another then some couples ending up having— you know (the thing), but not just it. I want to merge those two (2) opposite things with a one concept. People can express their love in different ways and this album represents someone being sweet to their lover as well as desiring them too. Love can make you feel childish and mature at the same time.

hanreun // grfx portfolioWhere stories live. Discover now