The Witness

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Nick led Phil to a dark alley he suspected Phil as a threat to his and Sophia's relationship. He had to get rid of him, but the knife he was carrying wouldn't be enough to take down phil.
No it is enough, but Nick wants any threat to suffer so he digged in the dumpster and pulled out an axe. Martin at this time was at a nearby gas station pumping some gas. Who knows how long phil had been tortured but with Martin near it could be the end for Phil's torture. The screams concerned Martin so he checked round the corner and saw this.

 The screams concerned Martin so he checked round the corner and saw this

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He was terrified and sharted himself 🙄😏😣😥. He ran back to the gas station and shouted "PLEASE CALL 911 A SEGGZY MAN HAS AN AXE AND ANOTHER HANDSOME MAN IS HURT"
the cashier called 911, but by the cops got there he was gone. Shrek the cashier brung in Phil and let him rest there while the ambulance got to the gas station. Martin described Nick as "It was a sexy bald man, with a hot ass beard, and a gucci shirt very drippy 🥶💯". Phil survived the attack and was put in the same hospital as Sophia. Nick is still out there and Martin might be next.

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