Chapter 5

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A soulmate ring. Truly one of the most saddest things in the world. As much as it may seem like a path to true happiness, it's only a thin path given. A path with many branches. And no one can be sure, which is the right one.

"Miu Iruma! Come to the office right now!" The high pitched voice spoke through the speakers in the hallways.

"Jeez, Miu. How many times have you been called in the first week? What did you do now?" Keebo asked to blonde girl who was working on...some sort of machinery.

"I dunno. I'll go check it out later" she responded giving almost no thought to the subject. She was too focused on her invention.

"I...think you should check..." Keebo paused multiple times while trying to figure out what Miu was making. "Um....what are you making...? Actually never mind I shouldn't ask-"

"Why it's the one and only, Sexy Surpriser!" She responded with pride over her strange invention.

"...what..." Was all that Keebo could let out.

"Atua is curious what such an object can do!" Angie suddenly sprang out of nowhere.

"Hehehe! This bad boy can make anyone super hard and needy and-"

"I think that's enough." Miu's mouth was instantly covered by Rantaro.

"Aww! Atua wanted to know!" Angie pouted and went away.

Rantaro let out a relieved sigh. Keebo was about to interject and ask what Miu meant but the door of the classroom was opened by a tired Kaede. Kaede instantly smiled brightly when she saw everyone else. Everyone loved Kaede. They all agreed that she was probably one of the most cheerful and encouraging ones here. She was also Miu's crush. Kaede was just special to Miu. Kaede seemed like everything to Miu. She would do whatever she can to protect her. Although all of this is true, Miu has actually never spoken to the piano obsessed girl. Surprisingly enough, Miu gets really shy around Kaede.

"Good morning! Also, Miu, I heard you were called by Monokuma." Kaede greeted everyone. Miu's face flushed as she muttered incomprehensible words. She got up from her seat and dashed away to the office. "Thanks for getting her to go to where she was supposed to go." Rantaro smiled gently at Kaede. She smiled back. Keebo felt a little out of place with the gentle smiles so he spoke up, "So um, have you guys done anything in your labs?"

"Because of my Ultimate, I don't really spend too much time in my lab actually. I take small adventures like places out of town in the weekends. Once I get a long break from school, I'll definitely go somewhere." Rantaro answered with a somewhat wave of familiarity.

"I practice a lot on my piano at home but the lab I have is really nice too. I don't have time to play on it much because my mother always wants me to go home immediately after school." Kaede answered with a strange sadness to it.

They chatted about their talents until Shuichi came in the room. Kaede abruptly left the conversation and went to Shuichi's side. She quickly started a conversation with a gleeful expression. Kokichi also joined their conversation. "Those three appear close!" Keebo commented, watching the trio happily. "I think not" Rantaro objected. Keebo looked at him confused and curious as to why he would think that way. "It doesn't seem as if they all want to be friends. Shuichi was most likely pretty lonely before so he probably appreciates the people that want to talk to him. Kokichi always talks to people when he wants to make fun of them so seeing him talk so casually to Shuichi is honestly a surprise. Unless...he has a reason. I'm not too sure about Kaede though. She seems so happy but I've seen her try to fake her happiness before. Then again, these are just my hypothesis." Rantaro explained, going from a serious expression to his normal calm expression.

Keebo was speechless. He didn't know there was more to the story. He didn't think there was more to the story. Is there something really intense actually going on? "Well it's barely the beginning of the school year so we barely know each other. Maybe we'll learn more about each other later on." Keebo talks to mostly himself. Rantaro nods and hums in agreement with a smile.

"Good morning, Shuichi" Kaede greeted the Detective with a happy greeting. Before Shuichi could respond, Kokichi came in and greeted Shuichi as well, "Goood morning!" "Good morning. I came a little late because my Uncle wanted to actually make breakfast this morning. All I have to say is that it didn't go well." Shuichi chuckles at the memory. "Just so you know, Shumai, I am actually a pretty good cook!" Kokichi bragged with great pride. "Really?" Kaede asked not really sure if he was lying or not. "Of course! I'll make sure to bring my own lunch tomorrow. Just to prove you wrong! I'll show you how I'm the best!" Kokichi brought up a challenge. "Oh yeah? It's on. I'll bring a homemade lunch tomorrow and so will you. We'll have Shuichi taste test it." Kaede agreed to the challenge. "As someone who takes care of his secret organization, I'll be sure to beat you!" Kokichi pointed at Kaede and laughed. "Alright alright. But make sure you make lunch for yourselves too." Shuichi agreed to be a part of the challenge. The two smiled at Shuichi.

The bell rung for class to start but Miu hadn't come back yet. This worried Keebo. Miu was still talking to the principal? Did she do something bad? Was she going to be expelled?! Rantaro noticed Keebo's nervousness about his friend from afar. As soon as Shirokuma was about to start the lesson, Rantaro raised his hand, saying he had to use the restroom. Shirokuma allowed him to leave but asked that he was quick. Rantaro nodded and left.

Rantaro made his way towards the principals office. Once there, he stayed right next to the door. Trying to hear if anything was happening. Although it was faint, he could hear some conversation.

"You understand why I called you here right?"


"Don't you know it's important?!"


"Then why don't you listen?!"

"I said that I don't want to be a part of that anymore. I just want to do what I want to do"

"Well it's annoying to have your parents annoy me so much. I get it that you wanted to live your own life but you have to at least tell your parents that you wanna leave em. They talk so much!"

"I don't want to have anything to do with them!"

Rantaro heard footsteps approaching so he tried to make it look like he was heading to the restroom. Miu came out in a rush. She ran to the nearest female bathroom. The male bathroom was right next to the female one so Rantaro just waited outside for Miu. Once Miu finally came out, it was clear she had been crying. "Hey... you alright?" Rantaro spoke softly, trying not to scare her but she flinched at his voice. "no. I'm not ok. But I don't need your help." Miu left Rantaro behind and went to class. Rantaro knew that Miu must be going through some sort of problem at home. From what he heard, it was most likely a running away from home situation. It also sounds like it's been a while since she last went back home. He can only guess that her talent was to actually make money to survive on her own. But why did she run? What was she running from? Rantaro followed Miu in silence. It was obvious that Miu wasn't going to listen to a thing Rantaro said. After some time, they made it back to class.

"Good to see you two. Please go to your seats." Shirokuma smiled at the two. They both went to their seats which were right next to each other. Once they sat, Shirokuma continued speaking.

Kokichi threw notes at Kaede whenever Shirokuma wasn't looking. Kaede did her best to ignore him. At some point she just turned her head to him and glared. Kokichi just smirked and threw another note. Reluctantly, Kaede grabbed the note Kokichi gave him and read it. The moment she started reading it, she paled. It hurt her somehow. The words Kokichi wrote. The truth that he wrote. Kaede knew in the back of her mind that it was true. She knew just from observing. Kaede couldn't bring herself to smile. She knew she had to recognize. It's better earlier than later, but should she listen?

You know it right? You know that Shuichi is my souls mate right? You're the fake one. You know that right? You still have friends so it's fine if you don't have a soulmate. It's secretly known that the fake ones don't have a soulmate anyways. It's best that you know now. Before you make something happen. Like with your father.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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