Chapter Eight

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Ariko's eye snapped open.

Looking around, it was somewhat confused to find the sky full of puffy clouds, the sun rising over the horizon and tinting the world in shades of oranges, reds, and yellows. Looking down, it found the young girl from last night curled in a ball, her chest rising and falling slowly as she slept. Ariko decided not to bother her.

The Guardian was a little concerned. It had been certain that it was incapable of sleep - it had never needed it before, after all. Perhaps it had gone into some sort of temporary torpor while recharging?

A disturbing thought occurred to it. What if something important, something irreparable, had been broken when the hero had shot it? It had sustained an amount of damage that was incomparable to anything in its history. Maybe some of the damage was permanent. What if it had to charge itself at a shrine for the rest of its life?

Its thoughts were interrupted by the sound of people shouting in the village. Ariko rotated its dome to look down at them, briefly worried that Bokoblin had invaded while it was asleep. That would have been a genuine nightmare, but it was thankfully incorrect. The Hylians below were walking around in the early morning light, calling out with their hands cupped around their mouths.

Ariko looked down at the child lying in front of it. Her breath had quickened, but she still didn't move, keeping her eyes shut tight. It wasn't entirely sure why, but this young girl didn't want to be found by her brethren.

It was strange. Why would she not want to be noticed? If other Guardians had told Ariko that they were willing to protect Kakariko alongside it, it would have been excited beyond description.

Ariko saw Impa walking up the hill towards it, and looked back down at the young girl. Well, if she didn't want to be found...

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