The Remains

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In which Sapnap finds Karl after Wilbur blew up Manburg.
THIS IS BASED OFF A TIKTOK I SAW! The @ is rosealinaheart if you would like to see it. She has a few of them. They very good!
Sapnap POV
I was with Dream and we looked at the blown up Manburg. "That crazy son of a bitch actually did it." Dream said letting out a chuckle. I looked at him. "You knew?!" I asked. "Yea. I gave him some of the TNT. I don't like the fact Schlatt wants to expand. I don't want him in office." He told me. I just stared at him than looked back at Manburg. It was completely destroyed. I saw everyone running around people crying. Fuck! Karl was at the festival! I ran into the rubble. "What are you doing?" Dream asked me. "Looking for Karl. He was here you idiot." I said. He looked around. I walked off looking. "Karl!" I called out. I looked around and saw him. As I was about to run over when I heard a scream. "George!" Dream screamed. I ran over to Karl. He was leaning against a barrel. I quickly pulled him into my arms. "Please don't go." I said tears forming in my eyes. I felt a weak grip on my shirt. "Karl please." I said sniffling. "I love you." He cried. "Don't leave me. You can't leave me." I cried holding his body close to me. I heard him sniffle and he wrapped his arms around me. "I need you close." I cried. He looked in my eyes. "I love you so." We said together. "Karl please." I cried. "I love you so much Sapnap." He mumbled. "Please." I cried. "I love you so." We said again together. His grip loosening. "Hey come on. You can't leave now Karl." I cried. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much." He said weakly. "I love you so." We said again together. "I love you so." I said alone. I looked down at the boy in my arms. "Karl?" I asked. No response. "Karl please." I said. Nothing. "No! Karl!" I said shaking his body as if it would bring him back to me. He was still unresponsive. "Pleas don't leave me." I cried. Nothing. "I love you so much. So so so much. Karl please. Please. Come back to me." I cried as I pulled him closer to me. I laid his body on the ground. His eyes were closed tear stains on his cheeks. "Please." I whispered brokenly, inaudible unless you were close enough to hear me. I still go no response. "I love you so." I said again and still got nothing. I screamed clutching the ground. I sat with his body for five minutes crying, repeatedly trying to get him to answer me even though I knew he wouldn't. My arms fell to my sides and I stopped sobbing. Tears just fell from my eyes and I made no sound. "Sap?" I heard a voice ask. I turned my head and saw Dream. My bottom lip quivered slightly and I sniffled. I went to stand up but immediately fell back down. I looked next to me and Karl was there. His lifeless body laid beside me. I got on my hands and knees tears falling from my eyes on to the ground. "Sap." Dream said coming closer. "Stop." I said to him looking up. He stopped. "What?" He asked softly. "You did this. You encouraged this!" I yelled at him. He too a step back. I stood up absolutely broken. "YOU MADE ME LOSE HIM!" I screamed at him. "Sapnap I'm sorry. I didn't know they would be here." He said. "That doesn't help." I said. He looked at Karl's body then at me. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. I looked away from him. "Go away." I said. He nodded and walked off. I looked at Karl. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you." I said. I put my hand in his then looked around. I saw Bad and Skeepy. Quackity and Schlatt. Fundy and Eret. Dream and George. Then. Wilbur and Niki. He stood up and walked off. I looked at Karl. I lifted his hand and kissed it. "I love you so." I mumbled as I stood up and walked off. I was completely broken. I walked around, memories of Karl and I playing in my head. When I stopped walking. I was at the Eiffel Tower we made. I sat down on the bench under it looking into the pond. I thought back by to a memory when I could have taken him away. We could have both been safe. I love you so so much Karl. I walked into the pond tears filling my eyes as I did. I was now at the bottom of it. Drowning. My eyes closed as I waited for death. But I didn't get it. Instead to pairs of hands pulled me out the water. I coughed up water laying on the ground. I sat up and looked. Bad and Dream. "Why?" I asked. They looked at me. "Why did you stop me?" I asked crying. "Karl wouldn't have wanted this." Bad said to me. "I don't care! I didn't want him to die!" I said. "We know." They said. I stood up. "Just let me be alone." I said. They nodded and walked away. I leaned back onto the ground closing my eyes. When I opened them again. It was dark. No one was around. I went back into the pond. While under I thought. I thought about him. My last thought before drowning was I love you so, I love you so Karl.

Karlnap OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora