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Early in the morning since the Queen left the girls she ordered them to act normal so people won't attack them so they decided to sell sea foods at the market "Ewww Xiotang take that away from me!" Shuxin dramatically said as Xiotang plays with one of the octopus when suddenly an ink came out "Oh my God!" Xueer's mouth forms into an "O" as she saw the person's shirt with the black ink


I was passing by the market to see if everyone's okay because we own almost all of the markets and stuff's when suddenly an ink squinted and my shirt was ruined I'm so unlucky that I chose to wear a white shirt and jogging pants "Oh My God!" I heard a girl exclaimed then an old lady came to me "Señorita Rain are you okay!?" She asked worriedly as I just laugh it off "yes thank you" I just said as she wipe the ink I licked my lips "Gege!" I shouted at our body guard when he noticed what happened he immediately rushed to me "Princess! What happened!?" He asked I looked at the seller they look nervous "hahaha don't be nervous I won't do anything bad to you guys it's jist an accident..." I said "gege can you prepare my hoodie at the car?" I asked and he followed I turned again to see the girl who did it bow to me many times "I'm sorry miss" I heard the sellers gasped then another seller nudge her "call her princess or even Señorita!" She said "huh why would we call her that? princesses comes from a royal family" a girl with two pony tails said I chuckled "it's okay..." I said but the seller butted in "it's not okay Princess you came from a rich and humble family that is also like a royal family for us people here so we should call you princess" she said I just nodded "we're really sorry Princess Rain" one of them said and I just nodded "be careful next time girls there's people who's not as kind as princess Rain" a mister said I smiled cutely making them aw "Btw princess why did you visit us here?" He asked "just checking if everyone's fine..." I answered
"Everyone take a day off you should rest" I said and they all cheered

Ninth Chapter done✓
Tenth Chapter coming right up!

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