A Dream Come True is Secretly a Nightmare

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Shuichi stood in the Ultimate Pianist's lab. Clair de Lune played its gentle melody, very slightly easing his haywire nerves. It helped him to finally accept it. She was dead. As cartoonish as her death seemed, it had really happened. He had to accept that and move on now. Now, he had to see the truth. To stop these killing games and fulfill Kaede's promise.

Unclenching the fist that he had unconsciously tightened, he took a deep breath and turned away from the piano and headed to the door. After today, he knew he had to do his best, whether or not he was ready for it.

Shuichi slowly walked through the school's hallways. The hallways were a bit creepy at night, he began to notice. There wasn't as much light as he wished there had been, making his stumble through the halls just that much more annoying.

After nearly tripping down the stairs and walking into a wall or two, he made it outside. "I've...got to memorize the layout of this place a bit better incase I ever have to do this again." He sheepishly noted, finishing his walk to his room.

He opened his door and shut it behind him. The cap he was wearing was absentmindedly tossed aside. He took a seat on the edge of his bed, alone in the comfort of his room. No one here to bother him now. He could rest now. He was sure it was going to be a rough night, the memory of her death was sure to haunt him. But tomorrow had to come eventually.

Shuichi moved around the bed and over to the back, slipping himself under the covers. Only when he shut his eyes did he actually realize his exhaustion. His newfound tire allowed him to sleep peacefully.

Only, what felt like minutes after he fell asleep, he heard giggling. "Oh— oh man. I... I'm so sad I didn't get a video of that."

In Shuchi's half-asleep state, he spoke the first thing to come to mind. "A video of what?"

"You stumbling around the halls earlier. I'm sorry, but it was funny! Especially when you walked right into that wall! It was hilarious..."

Shuichi rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. His hair was messed up by the pillow, and his mind was pretty foggy still. "I'm sorry to kill your joy but...how'd you get into my room? And who is it?" He asked, not bothering to look around.

"Oh right! Sorry!" There was a faint glow traveling through his room, he saw it at the corner of his eyes. It landed right next to him. That's when his heart stopped. Still looking down, he saw a familiar looking skirt. "I caught you at a bad time, huh? That's my bad. Of course I meant to! I just— I got too caught up playing the piano earlier!"

"No...way." His breathing started to become erratic. Was this real? No. It couldn't be. He convinced himself earlier; she was gone. There was no witchcraft that could've stopped that. "You're not real. You can't be here right now. I must still be asleep."

That seemed to leave her a bit stunned, silence fell upon her. That gave Shuichi the time to finally look up and see her. Gorgeous blonde hair. Pretty pink eyes. It was her alright: Kaede. Though, there was certainly something new. She was sort of see-through now.

"Yeah. Usually you'd be right. I sort of...died." Kaede stated calmly. "I never thought that'd be the way I went out. Just like this isn't how I thought I'd come back. Not that I thought I'd come back at all, honestly."

"Monokuma. Just give it up. I know you're playing some weird trick on me now. It's...not funny."

"What? Shuichi, I'm not—"

Before she could finish her sentence, she was cut off by Monokuma himself. "What prank? Did I prank you? If so, was it funny? Sorry, haven't been paying attention."

"Shut up!" Shuichi no longer sound confused. He sounded angry. Very angry. "Get this projection out now. It wasn't funny, and it isn't getting funnier."

"Uh..." Monokuma was a bit shocked, not exactly sure what to say to him.

"Get rid of it so I can just go to bed!"

"I hate to burst that bubble or yours, but I have no clue what you're talking about. Are you facing some kind of delirium right now? Or have you always been this crazy and I'm just now noticing?"

Kaede and Shuichi both returned glances. Neither of them could speak a word anymore. Especially not to each other.

"Well, if that's all. Next time, please have a more pressing matter when calling me! Like murder! I really like being involved in other people's murders!" And with that, the bear disappeared from the room. Leaving him just as baffled as before.

Still unable to accept this weird reality, Shuichi remained quiet. It left Kaede sad, but she understood. After her tragic death and the final promise she made with everyone, it was understandable he wouldn't quite believe her yet.

Minutes passed in silence until Kaede spoke, "I'll leave you alone for tonight...I guess." The grave tone in her face made Shuichi's heartache, even if he didn't believe it was her. "Just take tonight to think for awhile, okay? Good night."

There was no response. In place of one, Shuichi put his head on his pillow and tried to go back to bed. He hoped that she would be gone when he woke back up.

Kaede sighed and got up from the bed. She laid down on the couch to ensure she didn't disrupt his sleeping. Tonight didn't go all that well, tomorrow was going to go much better though. With that optimistic thought planted tightly in her mind she shut her eyes and tried her best to sleep.

Two last thoughts reached Kaede's mind before she could actually fall asleep. One, Shuichi looks really nice without his hat. Even with the bedhead he was suffering from. Two, can ghosts sleep...?

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