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So Long, London // Taylor Swift

Knockturn alley was cold. So cold I could see my breath as I kept a quiet but steady pace behind Draco and his mum. Dogs barked and homeless wizards muttered into the wall as we passed them.

As soon as we made our way to an opening in the alley, Draco and Narcissa made their way down into the deep darkness that surrounded the alley.

As the group and I approached, we watched Narcissa push her way into borgin and burkes. Draco shivered, looking around, and reluctantly made his way into the dingy old shop.

We looked up as the roof of the store lit up, glowing with a warm yellow light.

"Come on." I whispered, pointing to the roof. Harry's eyes widened.

"How do you expect us to get up there Alya." Hermione said. I smiled, grabbed their arms, and apparated.

My feet landed with a soft thud onto the roof of the store, while the others fell to the floor.

"Bloody hell, your sister is a nutter Harry." Ron said, gagging. I rolled my eyes.

"Next time, warn a witch." Hermione said. I chuckled softly. I laid my stomach on the brown roof tiles softly, careful not to make a noise.

The rest of the group followed my lead, as we watched Draco, Narcissa, and a few others strut their way into the back of Borgin and Burkes. I carefully watched as Malfoy ran his hands over a rather large, antique looking cabinet in the shop.

I could practically hear his silver snake ring hitting the mental accents on the wardrobe, even from this far.

I pulled myself up slightly, trying to gain a better view, when I felt myself slowly slipping down the tiles of the dirty roof. I adjusted myself quietly, watching Narcissa whisper something into Malfoy's ear.

Before I knew it, I was starring at the back of the worlds most sinister werewolf, Fenir Greyback. The group and I ducked before we could be seen, as Greyback slowly turned around and examined the outside of the shop.

My Breathing hitched in my throat, before Greyback pulled a dark, blackout curtain over the giant glass windows, obscuring any and all view I had from whatever the hell Draco was up to.

"Come on, Alya. Let's go." Harry said. I stared at him blankly, before shaking my head and grabbing his arm as he helped me down.

"So, why did we do all of that then?" Ron asked. I sighed, leaning against the nearest brick wall.

I pressed the back of my head into the cold brick and closed my eyes tightly.

"You aren't going to believe me..." I said, knowing I was right.

"Try me." Harry said. I opened my eyes, starring at my twin cautiously.

"Malfoy just became a death eater."


"Promise you'll write everyday." Fred said, pulling me in for one last kiss. The horn of the train blasted throughout the platform, signaling it was time to board.

"I promise Freddie. I'm going to miss you so much." I said, hugging him a bit tighter. He chuckled.

"Did you remember what I said?" Fred asked. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Yes Fred, I remember." I said.

"Say it." Fred insisted. I huffed loudly, yet I still hadn't let go of my ginger haired boyfriend.

"If Malfoy says one word to me, I'm to go straight to the owlery and let you know so you can hex the living shit out of him." I said.

"And?" Fred pushed. I sighed louder.

Prophecy // A Harry Potter SagaWhere stories live. Discover now