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None of them had seen it coming. The six members were making their way out of Incheon and shoving through the crowd of screaming fanatics while the security tried their best to create a path. Kim Joonmyeon was at the end of the line where he had to fend for himself as his security guard had left him in favour of giving the injured members extra help. Joonmyeon had of course told him to do so. Jongin had seemed extra fragile that morning.

EXO-K had just returned from China where they had split from EXO-M, which had left the departing subgroup with sour moods. Joonmyeon's attempts at brightening the atmosphere were dismissed and ignored. The times when EXO separated always came around, but it was slowly taking a toll on them.

Joonmyeon winced as one girl screamed in his ear, but gave her a smile anyway. He felt girls tugging on his clothes and smartphones pushed into his face. Joonmyeon almost protested. Struggling to see above the bobbing heads of the crowd, Joonmyeon could just spot his members already piling into the vans. He pushed forward. He needed to hurry.

In the end, Joonmyeon was almost free after battling through the mosh. He was getting closer and closer to where his brothers were waiting for him. Just a few more metres.

He almost got there.

Joonmyeon stumbled out of the crowd, just beginning to round the bonnet of the first van when something collided with his back, sending him flying forwards. He didn't even register the blow to his right temple.

The lights were out before Kim Joonmyeon had the time to think.


Joonmyeon woke to the clicking and beeping of a machine. Though he didn't wake up completely. He felt the cogs in his brain begin to turn slowly at first, then begin to spin wildly on overdrive. He couldn't move. The darkness was swirling in front of his eyes and he couldn't feel anything besides his lungs forcefully inflating and deflating with air. The only other thing Joonmyeon heard was the rhythmic beat of his heart in his chest.

Things stayed like that for a long time. Long enough for Joonmyeon to slowly loose his sanity. Joonmyeon screamed, yelled for help, yet no words had left his lips. Did he even have lips anymore? What about eyes? Joonmyeon hadn't seen anything other than darkness for a while now. It wouldn't have surprised him if he discovered he had managed to loose his eyes. Though how he would ever find out, he didn't know anymore. It was almost as if he was floating, hanging onto the last thread of sanity he had left and above a gaping abyss of darkness, ready to swallow him whole.

Then other sounds entered his hearing, overshadowing the continuous drone of his heartbeat. There were voices. Voices that called out pleadingly for Joonmyeon, voices he knew he recognized. Weeping and sobbing echoed inside of him, rebounding heavily along the walls on the inside of his head. Joonmyeon yearned to use his own voice- again, if he still had one.

He couldn't quite place the owner of the voice, which had began to frustrate Joonmyeon. The voice grew louder, almost as if whoever was speaking had started an argument when more voices became apparent. Words began to overlap and overrun each other, which sent Joonmyeon's mind whirling and the thread he was clinging to fray. All he wanted to do was to stop breathing, stop everything, though air kept getting shoved down his throat without his consent.

Joonmyeon needed to get out. He still had no idea where he was, but he needed to get out. He needed to find his way back to his body (if he'd ever left it), reply to those voices, make sure he still had eyes. He needed to physically scream. But he couldn't. The voices were overcome by the clicking and whirring of the machine Joonmyeon had almost forgotten he'd ever heard as it began beeping uncontrollably.

Joonmyeon only wanted to sleep. He had a feeling that his eyes were already closed, yet he felt like they were still open. He was so tired. That only repeated itself over and over again. The voices. The machines. The darkness.

Joonmyeon was sick and tired of all of it, especially when he heard the voices return. Though, this time, there was no crying. Only words that were being spoken monotonously.

Joonmyeon instinctively reached out blindly, using his imaginary arms and desperately trying to feel something. Anything. The voice made him feel so warm. It was so familiar. He could vaguely make out a few words.

"Signed forms... Unplug... Minute... Let go... Parents..."

Joonmyeon hadn't thought about his parents for what felt like a very long time. He tried to imagine them, tried to create a picture in his mind to cover the darkness but found himself realizing that he couldn't quite remember. Who were his parents, again? What were their names?

Joonmyeon was too lost in his thoughts to realize that the machines were beginning to fade away and that the air had stopped pushing its way into his lungs.

Word count: 849


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!!¡¡¡!! I really appreciate feedback I reply to every comment that I get.

peace out, homies.

The Other Side [EXO]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang