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As we pull up into her driveway I book a flight to America for tomorrow at five pm.Sarah sets up the couch bed for me and I explain where I am going."WHAT?No! please don't go!" She yells."Then come with me, and it could be me,you and...and Rose,and Lola!!"I say excitedly. "I'll text them now" I say.Sarah is booking her flight and packing. I text them all saying,"Do U wanna move to America with me and Sarah?"They all reply with 'maybe'.I walk I'm and find Sarah already asleep on her bed.I go back down the couch and fall into a deep sleep.I wake up to find my phone vibrating in my pocket.Okay,well Rose is moving with us,but Lola cant. I get up and get changed into my peachy skater skirt and black crop top.I slide my feet into my white vans and walk up to Sarah's room and she is sitting there,already awake and dressed on her desk chair."mornin' sleeping beauty.Ready to head of for breakfast?"she says as she looks up from her phone and grins.We get into her car and drive off to Starbucks.When we get there I order a choc strawberry latte and Sarah orders a mint choc latte.

{A/N, I know these may not be real things you can order at starbucks,they are just made up:) }

We grab our drinks and get in the car. "what should we do to waste our time?" I ask. "maybe we could go shopping, and then we could get packing?" Sarah suggests."great suggestion" I say, grinning at her. We head to the mall and go into all of our favoutite stores.we ended up buying a tad too much so we had to call Sarah's brother to come and help us carry them all.We got thanked him and went back to her place.We start to pack all of our clothes in our cases and we put our passports and all of our needs in our carry bags. It was now 4:00pm.Nearly 5.We just sat around eating and playing games on our phones untill 4:30 came around and we called a taxi.We loaded all of our things into the trunk and then we head to the Melbourne Airport.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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